2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

So they can’t let him actually campaign because he will do more Parkinson’s shit.

They’re going to the four corners offense down 20 in the 3rd quarter.




There’s some joke I barely remember about a guy who ignores obvious dangers and ends up getting killed and when he goes to heaven he asks God, “why didn’t you warn me?!” And God replies, “I warned you all these times!”

“I sent two boats and a helicopter!”


January 21st 2025 at 12:01 PM eastern

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But SCOTUS gave him immunity ……will be in the first paragraph of the first strongly worded letter.

Could a president change the 35 year mininum age


Certainly not just you, but the readiness with which the word treason is used shows the baseline of authoritarianism surrounding us. No one is levying war against the United States here. There is no enemy. The only people convicted of treason in the last 100 years in the US defected to or assisted the Germans or Japanese during WW2. FDR and the people who hid his health problems were not committing treason.


i like how people completely forget how politics works every once and a while.

like someone on twitter was trying to shit on the pod save guys for saying that they would support Biden once he’s the official nominee but before that they are going to push for someone else. “how are you going to say you support this guy now after saying we need someone else???!” like that isn’t how politics have worked for our entire lifetimes.


Obviously it is hyperbolic but an argument can be made that propping up an unfit persons for president is a movie against one’s country.

Also the FDR isn’t a great analogy as his health issues were not cognitive I don’t believe. Nobody would care if Biden has to be in a wheelchair for example. It’s the fact that he may be cognitively impaired that is the issue.

Unless they are doing it for the purpose of destabilizing the US it seems like obviously not treason to me.

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People would melt down if Biden was in a wheelchair


I figured you were being hyperbolic, but I’m just touchy about the casual use of ‘treason’ or ‘sedition’.

That’s up to the voters, and in this case, up to some small group of Democratic Party insiders.

The Republican Party platform for 2024 is out. #1 is to seal the border. #2 is to carry out the largest deportation operation in American history. #18 is deporting pro-Hamas radicals and making USA college campuses “safe and patriotic again.”

Clearly fascism, but tragically this is an election winning message.

In before the SC rules the constitution doesn’t mention anything about deporting “pro hamas radicals”

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Democrats: man it’s shameful nobody in the GOP will publicly denounce this shit

Also Democrats: I’m too scared for myself to publicly oppose our probably Parkinson’s riddled nominee


points for semantics I guess but we’re searching for a word that describes the helpless feeling of being deeply betrayed by our flimsy leadership in the face of rising and obvious authoritarianism that is destroying our fellowship and our institutions and will cause great grief and pain


I sent you ACB for RBG.

I shorted out Mitch. Twice!

I let the corpse of Feinstein be wheeled around.

You didn’t listen. Fuck you. Trump is president.

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john kerry kind of Taylor Swift nomenee