2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

Yeah, ocasionally my grocery store will have 4 for $15, have to buy 4 or 7.99 each. So basically buy 2 get 2 free but you have to buy 4. Whoch I almost never need.


George Will has some VERY CONCERNED thoughts guys.

I posted detailed grocery shopping numbers a while back Iā€™ll look at my data tonight. I do all of my main shopping at the same store and generally buy the same stuff. Top of my head Iā€™d say i havenā€™t been spending more in the past 6 months or so.

Prices are not going back down to pre Covid levels unless something drastic happens. If people are going to pay $8 for some lol soda then Coke will keep charging that, good luck ever getting that to change.

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She brings representation for black and female voters. Replacing her probably dulls voter enthusiasm among those groups of her replacement doesnā€™t have similar qualities.

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This is my general read as well. Prices on groceries have stabilized and stores have been running more ā€œdealsā€ this year than in previous years.

No clue whether it would be a good or bad idea but does any VP ever do anything that makes people think oh man thatā€™s some red hot VP action?

ā€¦shoot a dude in the face and then make him apologize for getting in the way?


If we want the VP position to be interesting, repeal the 12th Amendment. Otherwise, let 'em be boring

Iā€™ve advocated having VP and AG be standalone offices with separate elections.

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Gonna be a dem house so still gonna be shutdown possibilities, we had a long ass one when trump was prez before

Never make a political donation to act blue with paypal. You will get spammed for the rest of your life by a zillion different emails from a zillion different people.


Are youā€¦ Batman?



Voters gave us Trump, Bush, Nixon, Feinstein, Cruz, Rubio, Manchin, Gaetz, MTG, Boebert, Gomert, Sinema, Rick Scott, Rick Perry, Rick Santorumā€¦

Damn straight I donā€™t trust them Batman.

Heā€™s just saying you canā€™t trust anyone, which is a very Batman thing to do

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There are things they can be trusted to do. Like if you look at the 538 presidential polling averages over time, they reliably tick up just before elections; seems like thatā€™s when the incumbency advantage really begins to kick in, at least as far as polls are concerned. Whether or not that will be enough to buy more time before the ultimate collapse of democracy, Idk.

Check it out, Jack.


Iā€™m still confident that this is gonna be a landslide for Dark Brandon.

Iā€™ve seen some speculation that Manchin not running for re-election will lead to him running a third-party centrist presidential campaign. I do not think that would be good for Biden.

Imagine being stupid enough to vote for Manchin as the third party spoiler.

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Is there any chance a dem can take this seat with a Manchin endorsement?