2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

It’d be Veep Pete in this scenario.

I think Pete has much more equity than Kamala.

Give me a Warren or Klobuchar and Pete ticket and let the haters hate.


T Swift 24


Honestly, the best idea I’ve heard today.

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Agree with most of your post, I was mostly posting in jest and think it’s way too early to panic and polls this far out from election day are largely meaningless

But I think the fact that Biden nowhere near as bad as trump is largely irrelevant. It’s very easy to see how someone who rated trumps presidency a 10/100 and bidens a 20/100 would not necessarily pull the trigger for Biden again, because humans generally have short term memories and are prone to recency bias and are not rational when they are in the voting booth.

Ok, President Word Salad and VP Pete, I guess.

I think the scenario for Biden dropping out is him doing so after the primaries to avoid a nomination fight and having Harris as his hand-picked successor with Buttigieg getting the second slot as payback for dropping out in 2020.

And some people are going to be really mad about that arrangement.

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k, enough of the fantasizing about Biden dropping out. He ain’t going anywhere until he gets rounded up by The Donald’s goons and sent to Gitmo.

swift/harris '24 would be an epic veep storylione

the results out of Virginia, Kentucky and Ohio tonight have all been pretty positive, and even mississippi gov was a fairly close race (52-45), if there was some hidden resentment towards Biden that was being overlooked i think they would have shown in the results tonight.

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Biden is an old white dude who represents the status quo. It’s so much harder to terrify the nutters about him than Obama or HRC. Actually it’s: terrify them about Obama, tap into every issue they have with their mothers and their wives about HRC.

It seems like a lot of people went from “Holy shit, WAAF” to “Everything is probably gonna be OK” in about 24hrs.

This election doesn’t mean much, imo. Orangeman wasn’t on the ballot. That makes a huge difference.

I’m barely on twitter and I stay out of the election/Biden/Trump threads here for the most part. I refuse to get worked up by whatever the freakout of the week is between elections.

So maybe I have a little more the average normy voter perspective, which is that Biden has been mostly quiet, and after Trump that’s a good thing. Everyone knows what they were going to get with Biden, and they got it. I see no reason why normies would suddenly turn on him.

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I do most of my grocery shopping at Target. Comparing the last order it still lets me see in Nov 2021.

12 pack of Coke was $4.33 vs $7.49
Lays 7.75 oz $3.00 vs $4.29
Cucumbers - SAME PRICE


Nice, if we can get the cost of Coke to $1/can and Lays to $1/oz then maybe people will eat cucumbers.


Wait, cucumbers are edible? I always bought them for other purposes.


This had to have been a sale. 12 packs at every grocery near me have been 6+ dollars since before the pandemic unless they are on sale, which they are constantly.

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If Biden actually dropped out, I think it would go down as one of the all time political blunders. Worse than McCain picking Palin.

I also think he should consider replacing Kamala with a different VP, what is she bringing to the ticket? What has she done in the last 4 years to make voters think she can handle the big job?

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Soda prices freak me out because I don’t buy it often at all, and as a result, my brain is still stuck in the 90s when I stocked shelves, and a normal price for a 2L bottle was like 1.29 with sales usually being .79-.99. 12 packs were maybe 2.99 or something.

Does anyone think Trump gets a bump because you don’t have to worry about the government shutting down with a Republican president (which mean running up huge deficits)?