2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

I agree that talking to family members is to be expected, but Axios is out here calling Hunter the “de facto gatekeeper.” Now that could just be hyperbolie from other staffers, but I think it raises serious issues about his possible involvement in policy stuff too, and I’m not in the mood to give Joe or Hunter the benefit of the doubt atm.

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Screenshot 2024-07-08 114805





Sure, I don’t really disagree with what you’re saying. I wouldn’t want Hunter running the country either. I just think blaming Hunter because he’s showing up now misses the point that eDem assholes have been propping Joe up since the 2020 primary and are the ones to blame for where we are now, not Hunter.


If Biden stays on the ticket and loses I hope he loses big. Congress likely won’t matter at all with Trump being elected essentially dictator for at least the next 4 years. Trump will do whatever he wants by EO and the SC will sign off on it. If Trump wins by any margin they almost certainly have a trifecta with how bad the Senate map is anyways.

Obviously I prefer Biden winning but if he loses I hope it is so decisively even the most delusional EDems, pundits and media sources might actually learn a lesson from all this. And fuck Biden if he is selfish enough to stay in. Him getting utterly humiliated would be what he deserves.

On that thought is there any chance a change.org petition or whatever with millions of Dem voter signatures refusing to vote for Biden might matter? Outside of Ikes i don’t know a single person here or irl that actually supports Biden’s run. Literally zero.

I think as long as he feels like he tried his best, then he’s going to be ok.


What lesson do you hope that they learn?

A postmortem of how we got here includes a lot of things.

Primarily just being the party of the status quo or maybe slightly better isn’t good enough. Dems are only capable of winning elections by a little because they aren’t selling anything other than not being quite as bad as Trump or whoever the next version will be. The entire party platform needs to be rethought and actually executed when they attain power. The current party platform has let to disengagement and disillusion amongst the voters.

Secondly the party leadership structure is nearly impossible to penetrate unless you are 100 years old and paid your dues. Which as near as I can tell involves completely selling out to corporate interests at your first opportunity and toeing the party line that serves them.

There are a lot more but that is how you end up with Hillary and 100 year old Biden being every Dem nominee since 2012.


I guess I’d like to see more details about this supposed “gatekeeping” before I get mad, because that sounds like it could easily be just a jealous staffer shittalking and I certainly don’t trust Axios to give us a fair summary of the situation. If Hunter is actually acting as a shadow Chief of Staff, that’s one thing, if he’s just sitting in on discussions of whether his father should drop out or not, that’s another.

Thanks for the response. I don’t necessarily think you’re wrong in your post-mortem, but I don’t think that anyone is really gonna learn from this, even if it’s a chainstomping.

A large group will blame the “bedwetters” and the media for obsessing over one bad debate performance. And the other group will just blame Biden for being too proud. That’s about as far as the reflection will go, I fear.

Oh I agree. But a boy can dream can’t he :joy:

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There is only one takeaway.

When Republicans lose its because they weren’t conservative enough.

When Democrats lose its because they weren’t conservative enough.

We’re going to end up with Joe Manchin atop the 2028 Ticket before someone who wants us to be slightly more like every other civilized advanced society in this century.



This was always the case that everyone knew Republicans would do better without the explicit economic extremism, but it took someone who wasn’t beholden to the wackos to say it

specifying that you won’t cut exactly “one penny” has a semantic workaround ldo. That said, eventually this gets workshopped to preserving entitlements “for real Americans.”

Oh for sure. I added in the explicit part because the right wing economic guys are still 100% committed to cutting entitlements they’re just hoping Trump is too stupid to notice them slide entitlement cuts into the budget. Trump’s advantage was he wasn’t beholden to the economic wackos so he got to say popular things that big donors would have crucified DeSantis and whoever for saying.

I mean, they just had to decide that deficits don’t matter–you can just cut taxes and fully fund everything and then blame the deficit on the Dems, because who could ever comprehend something as complicated as accounting.

Meh. That Vatican White T-Shirt contest vid was genius, but now they’re trying too hard.

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they wont notice or they will notice and just wont care, Trump gave billionaires and corporations the largest tax cut in history and his entire base ate it up because their paychecks got $30 bigger

Biden drawing some huge crowds