2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

He could go down at a great president. He’s going to go down as one of the literal worst.

Not if he beats Trump

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The chances of Biden going down as one of the worst presidents actually improves if he wins. He really needs to do something very ghastly to earn that consideration and he isn’t even close at the moment. We’ve had some real stinkers.

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It’s not surprising, but it means that the system is totally dysfunctional.

The optics could have been great for his legacy? Elder statesman passes the torch to the first female/POC. He had the option of giving a big speech where he hands the ball off and rides off into the sunset instead of this whole spectacle being his legacy.


It’s one of the few things anyone knows about George Washington’s Presidency. That he voluntarily stepped down.


When they’re not dressing him up for events, they can have him sit in his chair behind the scenes and let him be his 81-85 year old self while staffers and policy makers outline agendas he can sign off on. That’s pretty much the way I picture it being done to this point anyway

Is he an asshole for not agreeing to stand down a long time ago? Absolutely… But all this hand wringing and fear mongering might be an extreme overreaction. There’s no reason to think he has dementia or brain damage and isn’t just exhibiting symptoms typical of a stubborn old man who’s 81

NYT just gave Biden Parkinson’s.


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The darkest timeline is this one, where every speculation on the dozen or so degenerative conditions that would surely send Trump to the nursing home turned out to be bullshit, and all the ones about Biden wind up being true.

In before after Biden’s loss in November he’s revealed to have known for months about diagnoses for Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, MS, syphilis, gout, and cooties.


This is all so depressing.


Worst outcome is that ends up diagnosed with “Joe Biden’s Disease” imo.


If only he had stepped down after 1 term and set that precedent.

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There’s like a 99% chance that Hunter is the most grounded person in the room and if you made me choose between his judgment or the judgment of career eDem ghouls I’m taking Hunter.

That’s obviously a low bar to clear, but Hunter isn’t even close to being the problem here.


The same way they were going to blame leftists for not voting hard enough, or pro-Palestinian protestors, or…

It’s never the fault of the people with actual power, it’s always the ungrateful peasants who can’t get in line with Big Blue


I don’t care how “grounded” he is, if he really is involved in key decision-making meetings and playing gatekeeper, his judgment is horrible and he should knock it off. No one elected him. In fact, there is long record during the 2020 campaign and this administration of us being told that all the stuff on the laptop and his influence peddling with foreign countries didn’t matter b/c he wasn’t the one on the ticket and unlike Trump, Joe Biden was not going to put his kids in key policy positions. If that is all BS now (and probably was in the past), that casts a different light on everything.

When I registered as a Democrat, I wanted to sign up for a party, not join a cult. Things don’t become ok just because “my guy” is doing them and I’m not going to bend over backward to justify a situation where an unelected failson might now be one of the most powerful people in the country.


This is not quite the same. Joe Biden’s decisions about his personal political decisions are his own personal business and it’s not unusual or objectionable for him to talk to his family members, his college buddies, or his priest about those decisions. Hunter Biden specifically is an odd choice to go to for counsel, but it’s very different from putting family members in official positions or giving them influence over policy decisions.


I’ve got no more fucks to give man. This is all so depressing.

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Yeah wtf, if he had just did his one term and went around hugging folks and being a loveable old man at events for whoever was next campaign and they won he might have been about the best president ever

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I don’t (can’t) believe that he is actually considering running, it has to be that all the chest-pounding is just theater while everyone’s negotiating backstage about what the next six weeks look like. They might think that if he were to say anything introspective right now let alone vulnerable then we’d get a run on the bank and a public knife fight. Which is why Biden’s being (I hate to say) sort of heroic by serving as our national punching bag while serious people in the shadows are collaborating so in a week or two when he does withdraw that the DNC can pivot to a convention plan that’s harmonious and clear and fair we are fucked this is not fine somebody help me freezedry a venison I have a water filter we can all pee in it I have an ethiopian coffee it has floral notes they will still be floral maybe just drive man punch it