2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

I assume she is a list magnate.



:harold: This going to get ugly

Who would you rather have as president for the next four years?

  • Donald Trump
  • Joe Biden
  • You
0 voters

Thought I would try out my first poll - ah well I think I fucked it up

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By selecting you I am referring to Trolly which I believe is incorrect in terms of what Trolly intended. I think the correct answer is you.


I meant you as in the poll taker. I do not seek office, but if called I will serve.


Don’t think I could get enough signatures in time, but I appreciate the support.

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This asshole is going to get challenged at the convention alright, unfortunately his delegates have taken a blood oath to vote for the deranged asshole to be the D nominee no matter what.

In addition to obviously losing his mind, this guy and his family are proving themselves to be world class assholes and pieces of shit. Think I may be forced to put party and ideology aside and vote Trump.

If our only choices are deranged geriatrics that think they are the messiah then the responsible thing to do is choose the one whose mind is 3.5 years less gone.

Didn’t the DNC prevent any primary debates?

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They’re definitely blaming the drop out crowd if they lose right?


Yes, think what would Trump do and that is what the Bidens would do. A felon lifelong crack addict is the big guy’s gatekeeper these days:

Biden begging for a floor fight at a convention in Chicago… what could possibly go wrong?

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I’m sure they will but who cares what they blame/say at that point

Unless …. Biden 2028 from the nursing home

Zero chance of a ‘floor fight’ if Biden stays in.

I truly hope Hunter ODs and gags to death on his own vomit asap. Every thing the right has ever said about him, and Joe dangerously allowing him too much access to power, is 100% true.

Maybe if he spends enough time with his crackhead son he will end up dropping out of the race to open a restaurant or something



Ya this is the worst case scenario by far. Of course in this timeline that is what we get.

Maybe. My vote is worthless here in OK but I won’t be voting for him if he somehow survives until November. Will just leave that vote blank in protest and vote downballot.

If Joe leaned into the Hunter thing, went full Bullworth and started doing crack smoking videos on TikTok that would win my vote back.