2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

That is way better than I would have thought.

Pretty much on par with the pre-debate polling.

Down 7 in Pennsylvania is brutal. Biden has very few paths to victory if he loses that state.

I didn’t click on the “show more”

Biden loses the strawpoll of ranking Dem House members on whether they think he should stay or not

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In the hours after Biden sat for a 22-minute interview with ABC News anchor George Stephanopoulos, more than half a dozen Democrats in Congress described Biden’s political situation in stark terms including “heartbroken,” “doomed” and a “f-----g disaster.”

Look, I don’t care what they end up doing, but this is BS. Either name names, or STFU. Afaik there hasn’t been a single high ranking member that has called for him to step down yet. Am I missing someone?

There are names in the article.

Who the fuck is Angie Craig? Everything else is lawmaker or senior aide. Just stfu and stop sowing doubt until you have names imo

It’s still so sad that one debate dooms Biden, the Dems, everything, yet Trump skates right through after all the horrible shit he has done and said over the years, plus his brain is clearly oatmeal. But hey, he speaks loudly and confidently.

I get it, but it’s just so disheartening.


Shouldn’t it doom them both?

No. Not when one is many orders of magnitude worse and unfit for the presidency

Angie is a normal boring minnesota "DFL"er that no one thinks or talks about under any circumstance

There are names in the article i posted:

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Unfortunately fascism is appealing. Everyone that’s not us is evil, immoral, wants to destroy your way of life and I’m the only one who can stop them. Nothing else he does matters.

  • Joe biden

The fact that it was ever a close race has always meant that the system is just totally dysfunctional. This is the biggest slam dunk of an election you can imagine. The best president in living memory against the worst. Forty years ago, Trump would have lost every state. Today, it’s a coin flip on a good day.


Is it really surprising that the big talking cult leader is curb stomping the elderly old man that pooped his pants on live tv?

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The voters voted for someone who said he was only going to run once.

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