2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

I don’t think Clovis liked biden because of his mass child incarceration being more efficient and prolific than Trump’s. You admitted that you do, which is why I gave you respect

Kinda think most anyone but Biden could win convincingly over Trump.

What exactly do you think I’m joking about in that post?

Fair enough

Me quantgamble

Me smart with big brain and edgy

Smart(er than you)? Yes. Edgy? Not particularly, at least not in this instance.

Focusing on one issue where one candidate may be marginally better (and I am very skeptical that Trump is actually better on the kids in cages issue but I’ll grant it for purposes of the discussion) while ignoring every other issue where that candidate is far worse is very stupid.

Freeing 0.1% of the kids in cages while making everything else far worse for hundreds of millions of actual people is not a win.

Me quantgamble

Me make insightful statement me so smart

Me got big brain

Me edgy

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I think she could win, too. It’s really saying something about Biden’s chances that he is not easily crushing the polls. His opponent is a racist idiot who just got convicted of 34 felonies.


Solid posting, much rebuttal.

Quantgamble and Ikes walk into a bar

I’m not convinced of this at all, but I am very confident in thinking that Biden is absolutely the worst option available.

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There is nothing to rebut because you didn’t say anything.

Anyone can make up percentages and hypothetical situations that are not tethered to reality.

It is cute thinking about you spending time typing a paragraph out and thinking you are adding something valuable to the conversation or being insightful.

You proof read it one final time, nod your head and say, “Me quantgamble, me have big brain :brain:

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Ah good point, the percentage wasn’t accurate, can’t possibly respond. It must be blissful to have a brain so smooth.

Gotta be at least one Elon alt in the replies.






Maybe the secret is there’s no such thing as bad news.

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biden’s name recognition is going up

But only in swing states

Everywhere else, it’s going down

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Newsom is 100% playing up the crowd right?