2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

KiDs In CaGeS

Wanting Biden to drop is equivalent to wanting Kamala to be the nominee. Her conditional equity is like 80%.

Hurr durr

100-1 wouldnā€™t be worth betting.

Biden now being referred to as the Mad King


I think Iā€™ve figured out what to do.

We get some crack special effects team to get some sort of holographic god to appear to Biden and tell him to drop out. His brain is half mush, so he will probably believe it.

Of course, if he drops, it just means we get Harris, who will still lose. Someone else has to work that part out. I only have so many great ideas.



Best idea Iā€™ve heard all week.


Would you rather Biden or Harris lose 2024?

I really wish theyā€™d give her the shot. If she wins then awesome, let her take a shot at 2028 too. But if she loses, there are several contenders who will be positioned for a healthy run in four years.


I know donā€™t do best of anymore really but this got a laugh out of me.


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I guess it doesnā€™t really matter. A loss is a loss and the more pessimistic of us will say that there wonā€™t be an election in 4 yrs if Trump wins.

But even if itā€™s Biden, Kamalaā€™s bid in 2028 is not going anywhere. Someone more electable will win it. Doesnā€™t matter if Kamala gets a shot in Nov or not.


Iā€™d rather Harris lose. But Iā€™m not voting for any of them. This system is fucked and voting only encourages them. Let it wither from disregard. Voting risks giving the impression I support one of these idiots.

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Kamala 2028 definitely only happens if Biden steps aside in 2024 and Kamala wins. Any other scenario, nope.


Itā€™s time to summon Bill & Hillary to elilminate these deadbeats once and for all like only they can.


This does highlight how a lack of a party infrastructure means everyoneā€™s dependent on the good will of selfish people.

The reason why everyoneā€™s freaking out about having Biden to drop out or not is because these kinds of things take time and coordination, which should have been done months ago.


I donā€™t think she has a high shot in either case, but I think Iā€™d rather her infinitely more than sticking with Biden. I agree with candidates who think they have a better shot in 2028, tho I take your point that we may not have elections as we know then by then. But assuming we do have an election, I think itā€™s better to let Harris take the fall in a sense now. Then we hopefully get a primary in 2028.


If Biden were willing to step down, I think he still goes down a path like this of saying heā€™s still in it because he would want to avoid a brokered convention.

Thatā€™s something normal people like joking about

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Iā€™m not as confident Harris loses as some seem to be. Most Democrats just want to see someone they think will have a functioning brain for four years. Then you have never Trumpers such as myself who would cast their vote for a yellowfin tuna thatā€™s been washed ashore and rotting in the sun for 3 days before Iā€™d ever vote for Trump

I think Harris can win


Correct, biden in or out, the dems are fucked for this election