2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

Who were you talking about? Who do you find sickening?



Social security aged billionaire gardeners are still on board. That might be enough to stem the tide.



Father is Sol Goldman, founder of Solil Management. " At the time of his death in 1987, Goldman owned the largest private real estate portfolio in New York City with more than 600 properties, worth over $1 billion.[3]"

Iā€™m fighting the urge to chop up a Saul Goodman.

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I wasnā€™t calling out anyone personally, and Iā€™m personally very shook. ā€œSickeningā€ was a bad choice of word.

I just donā€™t find any of these developments regarding Biden that surprising. At some point, the piling on becomes less about that target, and more about saying ā€œIā€™m not these things that Iā€™m attributing to a single individual.ā€

How is putting all the blame on a single individual any different than giving them all the credit? Both seem like failures of great man theory.

Putting myself in Bidenā€™s shoes, which empathy demands, like, imagine having to do the job of president following and operating in a post Trump world.

Anyways, back to the election.

Democrats should find a way to run a triumvirate. One man, one woman, one minority or some mix like that.

To be fair, he didnā€™t exactly direct this at any one poster. He said he found the act of congratulating oneself over their cynicism of Biden to be sickening

I really donā€™t know who you were talking about though at all. I donā€™t know if you were talking about some people in this forum and if so, who might you have had in mind, or if you were talking about people in the world generally. Now, if you were saying some people on this forum, because they fit the description you gave, are sickening? Man, you should not be surprised if someone takes offense at that and just tells you to fuck off and worse rather than just say ā€œDo you know what a strawman isā€. And then to say ā€œThatā€™s always your playā€? Like you expect that itā€™s ok for you to do far worse and just have people treat you with respect?

Iā€™ve got a lot of question marks in there because I really donā€™t know who/what group of people you were talking about or if AngryQueer would have reasonably thought they were in that group. It seems like they thought that, but Iā€™m not sure.

Ok, but if what he meant was ā€œsome people here on this board are making me sick because of x, y and zā€, then itā€™s pretty understandable that some people are going to believe itā€™s about them. I trust this is clear enough that I donā€™t have to demonstrate by insulting some vague collection of posters here and seeing who gets offended.


Fancrusher is on the right team, he is allowed to be ugly towards other posters

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The revolting team that makes me want to puke? Heā€™s on that team?



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100% estate tax over $10 million pls


Nobody should be allowed to make more than 72K per year. Tax everything over that. Tax everything under that 50%.


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I dont think we can consider ages of presidents prior to the industrial era. Life expectancies just donā€™t line up enough.

What a relief. I was starting to think I really fucked up


10 to 1 for joe biden winning the presidency. Panic time?