2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

This is basically the dead man walking head coach scenario, exactly, except apparently nobody has the power to make him quit?

Time to start with threats then. I don’t even know what the rest of Dems can threaten Joe Biden with but do it, now. This assumes his mashed potato brain can even understand them/

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I don’t think it’s in their nature to make him quit. The kind of people that accumulate power in the Dem party are the kind of people who publicly declare support for a lame duck nominee, and get to work in the background figuring out how to personally capitalize on his upcoming loss.


The clips from the interview are 100x better than his debate performance, and that is not hyperbole. Unfortunately he needed to be more in the 500-1000x better range to right the ship.


Impeachment, although I don’t know if GOP goes along at this point

Fun fact: By historical standards, she’s actually not.

Out of 47 presidents, she would be the 13th oldest at the time of inauguration if it happened today. And Biden is 22 years older than her.

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25th amendment?

Zero chance. Actually zero.

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Yeah not going to happen but it makes more sense than impeachment The tool is there, it’s just a lack of political will, lack of urgency

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I think if Ds really wanted they could force him out, but I’m sure they cling to some hope he could still pull off a win if Trump has a seizure during a campaign event or something. I don’t see how he could go on if Obama came out and said look he can’t run again, I called him over the weekend but he just not the same guy he was 4 years ago and can’t be reasoned with

Is it too late to threaten Biden with an alternate dem ticket running as independents?

It’s not going to be his choice. If the polls get bad enough and enough donors/ sitting congressmen/senators/former presidents tell him to step down he will have to step down.

And there’s not going to be any period where it looks like he’s sitting on the fence. It’s going to be like a college head coach who is leaving his team for a bigger school, he is going to be 100% on the team one day and 100% leaving the next day.


That’s the catch though - with every passing day, the “it’s too late to change” narrative gets stronger. So all he has to do is drag it out over the summer and then he will just hope for a miracle turnaround at the eleventh hour. Dems would need to take bold action now, and that goes against their nature. They will rally around protecting Joe like they rallied around RBG and Feinstein, because they think that they represent “the high road” where they prioritize the dignity of institutions for the greater good. They’d rather lose with pride then win with shame.

Where do you all come up with this stuff?

Listening to what they say and watching what they do?


Counting on those with immense power obtained by attaching themselves to the President to effectively fire themselves and relinquish said immense power is a bit silly.

I would assume that one of Harris’s advantages if she were to step in is that it would be the exact same administration team as Joe, just with a new VP.

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This is not normal


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Behavior is a language. When behavior does not match words I go with behavior.

These are people who fall in line to a power structure and would rather lose than rock the boat.

They don’t lose out of the goodness of their hearts.

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That first quote is referring to the act of pushing down on someone to elevate yourself.

The second quote was in response to a poster who launches personal attacks. It’s a hallmark of their posting. That shit gets old.

That would be hilarious. Impeachment and trial. Dems voting for, GOP against.

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