2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

The media will pivot to picking apart the new nominee instead of talking about Trump’s deficiencies.


Was this the first post in this line of conversation?

Did you seriously start a conversation talking about how sickening you find people and then get mad that someone insulted you?


Yep, this will be the second time in 8 years he has majorly shit the bed and left us with fucking Trump.

One big sign(of many) that Biden’s brain is totally fucked is that he said he was the only one(on earth presumably) who could hold NATO together. He was clearly conflating that with the real problem which is that Trump will fuck NATO if he gets elected. Which will happen for sure if he stays in the race.

He is a confused old man and is not fit for the office he holds anymore. It’s that simple.


Been sick this week so my sleep schedule is jacked up so ate the only edibles I had which are unfortunately sativa so cannot sleep. However this did allow me to have a genius thought for Biden’s campaign. What if he switches out Kamala for the hawk tuah girl? They can do some tiktoks together and stuff. Biden can keep it together for 90 seconds max right?


And all of the attacks on biden could be turned around on the other side who is running a 79 year old candidate themselves

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This is correct. And if Kamala has to be the candidate it’s probably better for her to run as the sitting president, voting for her would then be seen as just a continuation of the current administration rather than as a historical never been done before milestone.


Biden is the only one who can beat trump and therefore the one one who can hold NATO together

Is what Biden’s handlers would say

No doubt. And no doubt what Biden meant. But the question was about concern of his unfitness leading to losing to Trump. Which makes his answer most likely the closest thing he could come up with from his canned responses he obviously had prepared rather than an actual answer to the question.

She’s not old enough.

r/politics which is basically the online capital of shitlibs as near as I can tell have 100% turned on Biden.

The O/U on him exiting the race has to be something like next Friday right now.

Seriously if you think Biden has any chance at coming back from this, read the comments on this reddit thread. Literally zero support amongst people who want a Dem to win this badly. Dude is 100% cooked and the only one who doesn’t know it is Biden. You could tell GS was literally trying to plant the idea in his head he should bow out during the interview tonight. The media has turned on him, he has no support from voters, donors are fleeing. It’s just a matter of when someone can get to Biden during the brief periods of time he is lucid and convince him at this point.



We just need more cartoon writers making fun of trump


Kamala can stay on as Assistant to the Vice President

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You got me. I am so clearly a low info moron who hasn’t read past msnbc headlines.

Was looking for a good Dwight meme and just realized that Dwight’s brother in The Office is Jesse’s friend/subordinate Badger from BB. Mind blown:


Is this real life?

We all probably died at some point in mid 2015 and this is the afterlife.


With the hawk tuah girl going to town on him, I think he’s busting quicker than that.


I still have not even seen any of the clips from the debate, but if that interview clip where he tried to explain himself is intended to show him in a more positive light… wow. I am going to go bet some Kamala now.

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I don’t get how he steps down now after all these incredibly strong proclamations he has no intention of doing so. If he was actually thinking of leaving the race he would be less adamant.

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