2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

Starting to feel the same, although I think it’s hard to tell if he’s always been like this or if it’s the mental decline allowing his staff to push him around.

In either case, it’s a big fucking problem.

However everything turns out, fuck Mike Lee.


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Whoever it may be, it’s better than Trump.


I for one won’t be using an ounce of hopium on the latter. Dude is mentally toast. The second debate is gonna be just as bad, maybe worse. This is no Obama 2012 situation.


The path to victory is to wait a few weeks for something else to take over the news cycle.

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Such as: Who will be the Democratic nominee now that Biden has stepped aside?


lol just stop bro

The president staring slack jawed while pooping his pants on live television doesn’t exactly leave the news cycle.

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Like a ceasefire in Gaza?

That might work if he was ahead. He’s getting crushed. He can’t blind himself into the money from his current position.


Thing is a week after the dems had a new nominee nobody would even be talking about Biden anymore. It would be a brand new race without any of the Biden baggage. 4 years of GOP Biden attacks down the drain.


I truly cannot understand why

Is it his tone of voice? I feel like that has to be it for most people. That sweet spot tone of voice pre-senility but after the brash asshole younger biden of the 70s through 90s

Like at this point I have to think that just the way people don’t read the articles, they also have not researched any politician beyond some MSNBC clips, but still feel like they need to defend them to people who have seen all the ugliness


Then there’s just the general concept where big famous leaders are more likely to be not great

But I feel like my whole life is just watching one JoePa scandal after another where people are like, welp, yes it’s true that leaders are very flawed. Ok, on to believing everyone is nice again

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i’m kinda moving into the realm of thinking: we have a position of vice president already, this problem was solved like 200 years ago. we got kamala on the ticket she’s relatively young she’s keeping her blood pressure down by taking a lot of xanax. it’s early, it’s july, trump is potentially going to be in prison in october. dems blew it by not forcing a more vigorous primary but that’s over now.

it’s annoying to have the evil team have their messaging turn out correct. it’s embarrassing. i’m not at all energized to vote for a doddering old man who is only running because he thinks only he can do the job OR because jill biden enjoys riding in presidential motorcades and figures a 30% chance of more of that is better than being forced to sit in someone else’s traffic. either way fuck him i’m not energized at all to vote for our team. if this was a sports team i’d be saying the organization is incredibly mismanaged. we got some good players, i mean a lot stronger than the other side


Are the players, like, ideas? Because they’re certainly not like Gavin or Kamala

What about the dude who worked for McKinsey and said you know what, now I will run for President not because I saw what they did and want to change it, but because I want to help them do even more


Great app


Where? Who is going to do that?

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Fuck Elon too.


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