2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)



Thatā€™s a dementia test. Biden would crush that. Thatā€™s just another point in the asymmetry of the situation: Trump has bragged for years about crushing a dementia test. Pathetic. Any fallout for bragging about passing a dementia test as if it meant it indicated he was a genius? Nope.

But whatever, Biden should step aside.

Where did this sentiment come from?

You realize that this is like every politician ever on both sides, right?

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Biden was different though, he just wanted to serve the American people

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I heard a 55 year old man today remark that he hopes to live to 75. I personally think heā€™s got a shot at 80. Living to an age most people are glad to reach vs performing at the highest level for the most powerful job in the world are light years apart. I just donā€™t see how Biden can recover at his age. He is a dog to finish the next four years.


The illusion of Joe Biden was shattered on debate night. You canā€™t magically undo that.


Iā€™m holding out hope he is acting and on the second debate we get SOTU energy. He just wants trump to be over confident

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GOP has been pushing Sleepy Joe messaging for years and Biden just walked right into it on a national stage. Thereā€™s no way to undo this; he can give dozens of followup interviews but the memes are already firmly in everyoneā€™s head.Plus, all the time Biden wastes trying to undo the damage is time heā€™s not putting his message out there. Dems could sidestep all of this with a different nominee but theyā€™re too incompetent to fold a losing hand.


A huge miscalculation if he thinks itā€™s better to wait than come out swinging. Idk I guess we are now at the stage where Biden either dies or we are all in hoping for him to crush the second debate.

I sort of donā€™t blame Joe. He came from a massive deficit to win the nomination, then on election night was a dog until the mail in votes began to get counted. Heā€™s used to miracles because status quo white dudes see them all the time.

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His life expectancy according to the Social Security calculator is actually 8 years and thatā€™s not taking into account that heā€™s had access to some of the best medical care possible in the US for basically his entire adult life. It also just means heā€™ll be alive that long and implies nothing about how capable heā€™ll be.


That is a fair point, but Iā€™m thinking about how the most stressful job in the world tends to prematurely age anyone who spends four to eight years doing it.


Even if somehow Biden pulled this thing off the literal entire time it would constantly be talk of ā€œis the cabinet going to pull the plugā€ until he inevitably ended up hospitalized with something at which point might finally step down


Even if Biden was literally on life support he would probably believe in his brain he is the only person on earth who can beat Trump.

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I was shocked by Trump always living in the now, not understanding the downstream consequences of convenient moves in the present. He just rocks out with his cock out, and everything goes to shit, but the normies like it, because they are dumb.

This is how I see team Biden now. They try to stay alive one breath of air at a time without appreciating that they need to win the race and then govern for four years. Their opponent was convicted on 34 charges and Biden canā€™t even move the needle.

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Which is correct imo. He can revert into a senile mess after election day, as long as he stops Trump, Iā€™m cool with it.


If he were up 10% I would not be particularly concerned about his senility. Problem is, heā€™s down 5 and bleeding out rather than consolidating support. I see no path to victory. Hoping 51% of the country turns to high information libs has been the favorite losing strategy for Dems over the last 50 years.

Strong and wrong beats weak and right.


Not only should Biden not run for president, he should not BE president. This minute. I know heā€™s on our team, but he is unfit for office, full stop. Rationalize however we must, strategize to maximize the (negligible) chances Trump is defeated. Lie to yourself, whatever, I get it. But you know.


Everyoneā€™s talking about how heā€™s got to get out and show people heā€™s not senile or that he can still function. I say fuck that. If he wonā€™t concede, they need to do the exact opposite. Hole him away in the WH until after the election. Fuck norms. The less people seem of him the better. Let July 5th be the last memory people have of him. Just keep replaying his best sound bites until the election

It probably is the best strategy but i think itā€™s still a losing one.

The scary thing is who knows how long he has been like this. Who is actually making decisions in the Biden WH because it sure as hell isnā€™t Joe. Jill? Some senior staffer?

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