2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

Aw yes, when in doubt, just insult the fuck out of someone.

That’s always your play.

I give funcrusher credit for momentarily shifting the convo away from dunking on segregationist corn pop

Real world results matter less than gassing yourself up, ldo.


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The truly amazing thing is the two candidates running for president share one major trait. Neither gives a flying fuck about what is best for America and only cares about what is best for their ego.

Quite the nation.

I’M RUNNING THE WORLD (The World shudders in unison)

Puff piece is shit. Drop out Joe.


I’m 20 minutes in, and Biden has exceeded my expectations.

Disasterous interview imo(for America). Rambling and incoherent for large enough parts to not assuage any doubts. Also not terrible enough to probably knock him out.

If that’s the best he’s got, he is toast.


I can see why he didn’t watch to watch the debate replay, but how do you relate to the people criticizing you if you don’t even watch what they watched? That alone is enough for me to want him to step aside. Sadly, that interview didn’t raise my hopes he would do that.

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Yep Joe that’s all that matters



THIS was the big save? Holy shit guys. Imagine if this were a Republican what you would say. Be objective. If this were your parent you’d wonder how long you had before memory care.



This is so surreal. The POTUS is doing an interview on why he seemed senile at a debate a week ago while clearly being senile.


He’s saying the quiet parts out loud.

“It’s about me. If I feel I did my best, that’s all I can do.”

This is not a sports match Joe.

Upthread he said another version

“I’m not giving up all my hard work for 3.5 years for a 90 minute interview”

Again. Get fucked. IT IS NOT ALL ABOUT YOU!!!



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Dude, it’s an important job, only egomaniacs have a chance to be leader of the world. It’s not like being Wayne Gretzky, who I assume is the president, no prime minister, of Canada or some other pissant position.

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I really thought Biden was a good guy until this last couple weeks. Have lost all respect for him now. Truly awful human to not put country over his ego.


Sometimes, I see a man who feels Trump is his fault because he didn’t run in 2016 and feels it’s on him and him alone to clean up that mess, even if he dies trying.

Just put the emotional vampires on ignore, we don’t need more forum shit-stirring.


His mind now operates in vaguely remembered talking points. There’s no substance anywhere. No chance he could pass the cognitive test Trump has been bragging about for the past 7 years with the animals and the shapes.