2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

we talked a lot about that too, mostly in jest.

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Fair, but a lot of the posts on here are not in jest.

i was being serious, he was hand-waving.


You are Kamala. Hunter Biden says he can get his Dad to step down tomorrow, but you have to agree to pardon Hunter for all of the gun/drug/tax/whatever charges. Do you take the deal?

  • Yes
  • No
0 voters

i would agree and then tell him to fuck off once i get in office


First I would ask myself: Did I just fall out of a coconut tree?


Sadly there are not.

How is this even a question? Why would anyone say no to this deal?

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I can see someone declining because they think it’s unethical.

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Some people are super hard for punishment, and the idea that multiple tens of millions of people might do better for four years (and possibly beyond, if you believe the doomers) might not weigh as strongly as one guy might maybe get off slightly for something, I dunno :person_shrugging:

My thought as I was thinking about it is that the pardon runs some risk of impeachment so you might not get to be President for long now and you probably lose a shot at running again. So, maybe you turn down the deal if you think there is some other path that would might have a lower odds of becoming President but a better chance to stay President once in office.

Or, you think Joe can be made to step down anyway without having to strike a deal with Hunter

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ABC news is airing Biden speaking at a rally in Wisconsin ahead of tonight’s interview. He sounds good! But the interview had better deliver or it won’t matter.

Or that risk Hunter may try to blackmail you in some way with the fact you made a shady deal with him


“Listen, I’ve been standing a long time, so let me close with this…”

That too. If Hunter has that much sway over his Dad, why doesn’t he just tell Joe to step down and issue the pardon himself just before he leaves? Why does Kamala have to get mucked up too?

Tell this to 1992 Clinton or 2008 Obama. The best move is often to just make a move instead of waiting for the ideal opportunity.



Sen. Mark Warner seeks to assemble group of Democratic senators to ask Biden to exit race

There’s increasing sentiment among Democratic senators that Biden cannot stay in the race


There’s a growing consensus among Senate Democrats that the situation with Biden at the top of the ticket is untenable, and senators are trying to figure out the best way to relay that message to an insulated president. Some senators don’t believe Biden has people around him who are giving him an accurate picture of the fallout, according to one Democratic senator and a senior Democratic aide.



