2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

Maybe Biden can defect and run on the Forward Party ticket

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Yes itā€™s totally impossible. Itā€™s 100% up to Biden to step down.

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Different Q than what I asked before

Regardless of whether you think it will happen, should Biden withdraw from the race?
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters

I said yes, but thatā€™s presuming itā€™s possible for someone else to be on enough ballots. It would be insane if the Democratic Convention was too late for the nominee to get on ballots, but I guess thatā€™s theoretically possible.

Also quite old.


I think he should drop out, but I still hold out hope that heā€™ll win even if he doesnā€™t. Its not like Iā€™ve been exaggerating all this time. Iā€™d truly vote for aā€¦

Comatose Biden
A literal corpse
A random 5th grader
Big bird

Before Iā€™d ever vote Trump. Are there enough people like me?


I canā€™t imagine thinking Corpse Biden wouldnā€™t be better than a living Trump. Whether or not Corpse Biden is better than living Biden is a better discussion.


Iā€™m a total sucker trust me I know, but the reason Iā€™ve thought since debate night that he will step down is just because he should step down, and because against Trump + this Supreme Court itā€™s actually that important. And on Saturday when I pushed in my dumb money on Whitmer I swear I really knew I was lighting it on fire, but idk I was up in my feelings so I just bet on what I wanted to happen, and IMO on what should happen if winning is what they most care about, which it obviously should be. Itā€™s martyrdom and cringe but making the bet really made me feel better. Itā€™s all so fucking dumb. If they run Biden or Kamala or even Gavin and lose, then something in me is done forever, extinguished. If Iā€™m wrong Iā€™ll eat crow and lick my fingers and ask for more crow please. I donā€™t care how it happens theyā€™d just better not lose.


The reason I think Biden will step down is because Harris will trick him using reverse psychology.


Didnā€™t Biden explicitly say when he ran in 2020 that he wouldnā€™t run for a second term?

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I still remember a clip where he (intentionally) let it slip to a gaggle of reporters that he was gonna run for president in 2020 and then immediately pretended that he didnā€™t mean to say that. Left a bad taste in my mouth

He absolutely implied it and I think someone in his orbit might have said it, but no Biden never explicitly said it. There was a lot of talk before the election about how he had told his aides he was one and done. But then a couple years later they started sending signals like Well hang on guys we didnā€™t think Trump would still be in the picture and we donā€™t think Kamala is actually a strong candidate, so gosh our hands are tied here


was with my cousin most of the 4th, he was california highway patrol and like a year ago, got recommended to gavin newsome and has been on his personal security team since. him and 3 others rotate between driving him, trailing his suburban with the AR-15, travel, etc.

he was at the white house this week for the governor meetup.

obviously i asked 1,000 questions. main takeaway is that he said newsome is definitely running for president at some point , but also 100% wonā€™t try to jump kamala. even if thereā€™s a ground swell for him.

they think that while exactly 0 trump voters will switch to kamala if biden drops out, and basically 0 biden voters will switch to trump if kamala was the choice, there are enough people that for whatever reason if kamala gets passed over will just sit out. and that will be enough to lose.

cousin praised newsome on his political skills/planning and he (my cousin) definitely hasnā€™t ever been as liberal as me, he was a marine and then a cop. in oakland lol.

he was 99% sure that if it ainā€™t joe, itā€™s kamala. bc anyone with presidential aspirations knows 2028 is where itā€™s at.


I assume Newsom running in 2028 isnā€™t considered jumping Kamala at that point, right?


Excuse me Iā€™ve been told 2028 wonā€™t have any election and any democrat is 0.0% to win, so he must have been mistaken.



i got the feeling a large part of it was etiquette, which i scoffed at obviously.

While I donā€™t love Kamala, this seems to make sense. Basically starting from zero, but with the benefit of getting voters back who were on the verge of staying home out of disgust with the Biden situation.

Hell, she can even get back some portion of the anti-Genocide Joe crowd by just being a fresh face who promises to force everyone to the negotiating table etc. (even though I think the Israel/Palestine situation is actually totally fucking hopeless and nobody is making any difference in that spot).