2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

I suppose Democrats committing election suicide is a fitting end to the republic.


Something I really did not imagine is an active fight where a large number of funders/elected officials/etc publicly jump ship and itā€™s extremely obvious he needs to step aside and he refuses. Thatā€™s got to be worst-case scenario and seems to be on the table.


Iā€™ve asked before and donā€™t believe I got a straight answerā€¦ Can someone please explain why itā€™s so goddamn important to him that he serve a 2nd term? Iā€™ve heard everything from his ego to his wife wanting it. I know the job has some perks, but are they really that great? Theyā€™ll get secret service for life and a presidential pension. I donā€™t get why heā€™s fighting it this hard

I donā€™t think its any deeper than our brainā€™s attraction to sunk costs. He worked like 50 years to become president. He canā€™t just give it up once he got there. How could he justify putting all that work in otherwise?

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Narcissism plus all the people around him are self interested to keep him in.


Is it really totally impossible the delegates go rogue? Heā€™s staring down the barrel of a historic curb stomping.

He looked at the alternatives and decided he had a better chance of winning.

Old people also donā€™t like admitting they are old. They will do anything to rationalize away the loss of their ability to think and, frankly, exist. Itā€™s like the most basic of human instincts.



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A corpse being the best alternative amongst the existing EDem ranks may actually be true.

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He is selfish

I guess. Maybe itā€™s because I play poker and tinker with stocks and sports betting, but I see very little to gain for him personally and everything to lose. If he wins, so what? He beat the worst possible presidential candidate in history. If he loses, he goes down in history as the sole reason America lost almost 250 years of democracy (assuming he really believes that) because he was too old and stubborn

If Iā€™m him, I couldnā€™t step down quick enough. Maybe Iā€™m selfish?

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You also donā€™t have the type of personality that would ever seek out that position in the first place.


Yes these people are all selfish freaks. Not normal.

Like, normal people donā€™t want to be working at age 81. That alone is a sign of trouble.

very weird dudes


Come on. He wouldnā€™t be the sole reason.

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Youā€™re being too rational, plain and simple. Plenty of plausible theories itt.