2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

Definitely a sustainable campaign


They don’t. Middle and upper-class folk eat fast food way more often than working-class people.

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Seems highly unlikely Trump would debate a replacement. Strategically it makes zero sense.

He is all impulse and ego, so I guess there would be a chance.

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I think this is in part why the GOP attack ad on Biden and inflation is so effective. It plays Biden saying inflation is barely going up month to month, then asks audiences, “Is this dishonesty or dementia?” That line is so good in the current climate that it becomes the question about anything with which the audience might criticize Biden.


It’s amplified by the media and by Trump (“Biden inflation nightmare”) and other sources of disinformation.

I suspect interest rate talk is just a handy way to say “things are bad”. How many people really know or care what the absolute rate is or understand how rates work? I don’t. I had to look up what the current rate is.

Wages have gone up, if only a little, even relative to inflation. Ok, things aren’t great, but people are focused on just the negative. Where does that come from? The sentient beings are being manipulated.

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I’m having a hard time imagining Trump doing anything less than gleefully accepting an opportunity to stick it to a female brown person.

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Inflation of food and essentials is not disinformation.

Even economists make a distinction between the capital E economy, and what working people face, that half of UP is unwilling to acknowledge


Exaggerate, omit context, mix in some lies. Voila.


Lol I forgot about the fly.

Honestly you make her sound like a good replacement candidate. I’m fine with her being bad at inspirational speeches.

I am too. It’s ok to not be good at something, you just need honest feedback from people in your circle so you stop making the same mistakes.

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I think she’d be incredibly difficult to attack. People like her and see that she’s not driven by ambition and would sympathize with her having the limelight thrust on her. Shes like the anti-Hillary where any given attack worked. You could just be like “shes doing some kind of shady bullshit with emails” and everyone was like “sounds about right”. With Michelle if they were like “she has no experience and she botched the answer to this question” peoples instinct would be like “fuck off, leave her alone, she’s trying”. This would be exacerbated with how batshit insane the right would get if she ran. We’d probably get transvestigator shit from elected Republicans. I honestly think she’d just have to stand there and she would win.





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He was always gonna lose. This whole debacle just makes it more pathetic and, unfortunately, even more consequential.

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Why does he even want this so bad? From where I sit, he’s got little to gain and everything to lose. He’s got a decent legacy now and risks being the person who dragged the entire country down with him. If I were him I’d be like please someone else run

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I can’t wait to read the (AI summaries of) the bullshit memoirs about these weeks, written by “disillusioned” morons who are completely complicit.


Im grunching here.

This statement may be true, but we have to recognise that coming to this conclusion, where at least 3 of the 4 words are completely subjective, has been done through at least three biased lenses.

Our own (mostly biased slightly sexist men)
The media (sexist as fuck)
Our culture (sexist as fuck)

I.e. it’s not a completely neutral statement.

The same goes for Kamala and her weirdness.

Of course. In terms of impact on win ing elections, where the perception comes from doesn’t matter.


He’s the only thing protecting us from Trump, or so he seems to believe.

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The fact that a brutal sexist society wasn’t able to beat down the Obamas doesn’t mean that it’s necessarily Hilary’s fault that they beat her down. (Necessarily being a key word here)

The 5% of female CEOs existing doesn’t mean that the system around them isn’t sexist.

The Obamas were once in a generation charismatic, nailed their messaging, and there was TWO of them.

Ta-Nehisi Coates talks about the need for POCs to be twice as good to get along. The Obamas were much more than that.