2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

They lost to W after an eight-year economic boom and a wildly popular president, then they lost to a disgraced gameshow host, now they’re going to lose to the gameshow host again. It’s just what they do and they’re incredibly good at it.


It has been a big republican conspiracy for some time now.

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Based on what? Her qualifications? Are you seriously suggesting that matters?

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Honestly hoping for more of these

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I guess post Trump nothing matters, but we don’t even know Michele’s policies do we? Like we just assume she will be the same as her husband. I know she can give a good speech but it was all generalities and platitudes. Obviously she is also inexperienced in an type of government role or running a campaign.

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Jesus fucking christ

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Well now I want her in a debate with Trump

I don’t want to go all West Wing on you, but picking someone who has never run for elective office is really bizarre. Forget whether she’d be a good president, why would you think she’d be good at running for president?

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She did pretty good against Mike Pence and his fly in a 2020 debate specfically because she was taking it to him and not rambling about coconuts and what came before. She’s just not good at inspirational oratory and she should stop trying.

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Disinformation goes a long way to explaining this. It’s one of the primary goals of disinformation to exhaust the targets.

Are inflation, immigration, interest rates the things that really matter? Inflation is down. “Unlawful border crossings” have decreased significantly. Interest rates haven’t gone up in a while and are expected be cut in September. But people talk and act as though the opposite was true. Either those things don’t matter all that much or disinformation has been pretty effective.

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Hot Take: What is Al Gore doing?


Interest rates are pretty much at all time highs for millenials and younger. Those huge price increases from Covid aren’t going away.

Sure maybe the rate of inflation is going down but it is still higher than it was before and prices are way way higher on things like groceries than they were 4-5 years ago. That is what people think about when they think about inflation. People aren’t getting that idea from the media. They are getting it from being sentient beings who have observed it with their own eyes at the register over the last 5 years.

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Would only work if Jeb was running on the other side.

Then we could have




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He’s busy being 5 years younger than Joe Biden, despite being Vice President over 30 years ago.


Al! vs. Jeb!? why not a combined Al!/Jeb! ticket?


I stopped at a little Mexican
place yesterday for lunch. Enchiladas, beans, rice, some chips and a coke. $22

I feel fortunate, but how many people in low paying jobs could afford that everyday?


Was it a Mex-Tex place? I heard that the woke mob made it illegal to call it Tex-Mex.

