2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)


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Who’s better at defining a blank canvas, Democrats or Republicans?

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Good way to ruin her political career on the altar of Kamala’s ego. A competent VP can’t make Kamala likeable. It might even make Kamala look worse by comparison. If I were her I’d stay governor over the VP to either Biden or Harris

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You can go watch her give a state of the state speech on Youtube. She’s doesn’t have national exposure but she’s good enough. It’s not going to be some Sarah Palin situation


Whitmer has a really rare combo in a female politician of coming off as extremely competent and tough but also feminine and (critically) funny.



If the priority is winning then this shouldn’t be complicated. Biden almost definitely won’t win. Kamala almost definitely won’t win. Everybody knows it. Luckily we have other people who really might win. So do whatever you have to do to run one of those people. My choice would be Whitmer but if they have a convention contest to figure it out, great. But if you want to beat Donald Trump—Donald Trump!—then you can’t run Biden or Kamala. So why is this complicated? Yeah we all know: it’s because the first sentence.is fucked. Sure they care about winning, just not as much as money or ambition or some other selfishness. Tradition, continuity, so many words that mean money and ambition. And if all that’s wrong, if it’s actually too cynical and the real answer is wrapped up in different words like inertia or caution, then they are all just so dumb and bumbling that whatever ruin we’re about to come to would have happened regardless.


I’ve lived in DC for many years and my anecdotal experience with liberals who work on the hill is that many of them desperately want to believe that we’re living in an Aaron Sorkin fantasy.

Don’t get me wrong, the truly cynical reasons obviously do exist, particularly as you go higher up the power chain.

But yeah, I personally think the main issue is democrats massively overvalue winning “the right way” or however you want to phrase it. Overvaluing norms, precedent, inertia, caution, succession, etc and constantly making up excuses as to why bold action will never work.



I have no idea what is happening.

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Is there any chance that Biden might just forget that he is running for president? Might be the best outcome


Welcome to the forum, Joe!


Biden staying in, winning, and then having to be the President for four more years would definitely be interesting to watch. Kind of crazy to imagine what a summer 2028 Biden interview looks like.

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I think Washington DC would collapse into a black hole from the density of smugness from the centrists if they impose Biden on us and still win.


I like Whitmer, but the limited polling data show her doing about the same as Harris? I don’t see how you can say Kamala has zero chance but Pete/Gretch have a shot with any certainty. There’s also a very good change Democratic delegates find someone much worse than either, these are Democrats we’re talking about. The worst possible choice you can imagine is very much on the table.

That ship may have already sailed, tbh

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They really should put “win” in quotation marks.

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Assuming Biden or Kamala limp to the finish line and get blown out, we probably would have been better off with Trump winning the 2020 election rather than Biden. That’s very results oriented thinking but the level of apathy I see amongst friends who were fired up to fight the good fight in 2020 is kind of scary. 4 years of Biden has left people with no will to fight back.



That sounds like Hillary’s music


I don’t know polling like you guys but intuitively I’m just not a big believer in the value of polling taken before something that would be as big of a spectacle and potential game-changer as an open convention. Nobody knows who Whitmer or any of these other people are right now. I don’t think Kamala has much of a chance not just because USA is a bunch of bigots but because Kamala is actually a weirdo who no one seems to be excited for. And if that’s wrong and Kamala has the best chance of winning then I’d rather she prove it.

But that said, if Biden drops out then I do think that Kamala is looking like the most likely nominee. If that happens, is there any realistic VP that you guys think would matter enough to make a real difference? How about barack obama?