2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

This isn’t what was said. There are many who believe our institutions will hold against Trump and the Trump/everything won’t amount to much of anything except instituting their Republican ideology and stopping Marxism. I don’t agree with this, but it might be more ethical than voting for someone knowing that not only are they gonna say they’ll continue to support Israel, but that sending bombs to kill thousands of innocent babies almost certainly won’t be stopped by our institutions

Going slower might improve your reading comprehension. If that doesn’t work, then maybe stopping to think longer before responding would help

Edit: Yeah Trump won’t be better on Gaza either, but Republicans don’t even hear that being overly focused on stopping Marxist Kamala

I have to stop reading these threads for the sake of my mental health. I’ll be stewing about this one for a few days.

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Reagan whitheld from Israel iirc

@microbet was it someone besides Reagan?

Isn’t this a legit concern? I mean maybe not “kill” but obviously people’s lives got inextricably tied to the market and home ownership, and without some new mechanisms in place, just fucking with that can do a lot of damage

Property taxes didn’t destroy housing. A wealth tax wouldn’t destroy wealth either. Both are assets that are pretty unequally distributed so, in that aspect, are pretty good targets for taxing. It’s not going to happen but there’s no reason to think it’d be some Armageddon scenario but I don’t know how to say that persuasivly to someone who has concerns.

Bruce made a literal analogy. I am not the one with reading issues.

Trump promised the stock markets would crash and we would go into a great depression under Biden. Instead the markets went up to record highs. How does he explain that?

No, I grant that there are clueless voters. But we’re talking about someone who knows who Trump and knows anything about him has been necessarily hammered with his racist messages.

Reagan delayed shipments of F16s to Israel a couple times - once when they bombed a nuclear reactor in Iraq (delayed for a short time) and once when Israel invaded Lebanon - he said that it would have violated an agreement.

‘‘While those forces are in the position of occupying another country that now has asked them to leave, we are forbidden by law to release those planes,’’ he said. ‘‘They’re F-16’s, the planes that are on order. And it’s as simple as the other forces returning to their own countries and letting Lebanon be Lebanon.’’



I mean Trump has never had issues getting a corrupt doctor to put his signature to something saying that Trump is basically a 25-year-old Greek god who happens to be a little older than that. I’m sure he could just do that again if it seemed to matter.


This is solid. Forget “we go high,” just point out that Trump is clearly a brain-addled geriatric slob who’s manifestly not physically or mentally fit for the job.

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Finally she focuses on the real issues that affect ppl

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Then he sent marines to Lebanon, which didn’t work out to well for them.

No claiming ignorance.

I was actually thinking about this topic last night. I’m not sure to what extent the current culture of selfishness is human nature versus an American phenomenon. Parts of it seem uniquely American to me.

I’m also genuinely unsure if it’s always been this bad or if it’s gotten worse. It certainly feels like it’s gotten worse over the course of my lifetime, but maybe I’m just more attuned to it. I dunno, but I suspect the isolation trends (mostly because of the internet) are making people more selfish. Less connection to community, less of a feeling that we’re in it together, less trust in fellow citizens and institutions, etc. Of course, not a coincidence that the greatest narcissist of all time was elected in a culture like this.


I don’t know who said bolded, but it wasn’t me. I think it is a small number of people.

what about black trump voters?

I don’t understand the question.

Are you asking if black people can be racist, xenophobic scumbags?

Obviously yes.

The context is supposed “undecided” voters who are said to number in the millions.

Inb4 someone says undecided means not sure if voting.