2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

lol what does this even mean.

Who knows. Contrary to what Ikes thinks Iā€™m not in a great frame of mind after last night and just trying to figure out how the hell we got here.

Warren and Pete ratfucking themselves and Bernie comes to mind. The primary would have been very different if those two would have stuck around. Or if the Dem machinery decides to back one of those two besides Biden.

Good for you Ikes. You have a fantastic memory. Carry on the good and meaningful work you do around here.

Warren dropped out after 19 elections having peaked in Iowa at ~20% and securing 4% of the delegates to that point. The real interference would be sticking around with zero chance.

I think we have to acknowledge that Biden was the clear overall preference of Democratic primary voters in 2020.

He certainly was vs Bernie. Im probably just grasping at any explanation I can come up with how we got here and the 2020 primary ratfuckery is more palatable than me just accepting our entire system, country and future is totally fucked because thatā€™s what the majority wants.

The majority wanted Biden in 2020 in the primary and they want Trump now. That is some bleak shit to actually accept.

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Yes the two problems here are

  1. Trump is even popular in the first place
  2. Biden is super diminished due to age

#2 was foreseeable in 2020, but I think voters could be forgiven for just trying to get through 2020 with what they perceived as the best candidate and figure out the rest later. Biden did in fact defeat Trump in 2020, so the strategy is at least defensible.


Thereā€™s nothing remotely weird about a nominee dropping out and endorsing the establishment guy, itā€™s what happens in every election, itā€™s what Bernie himself did in 2016 after he pulled out. Warren and Pete are establishment guys whose politics are more in line with Biden than Bernie, there was never a chance that they would back Sanders or just be quiet after dropping out. The idea that there was some sinister backstabbing DNC plot is Chapo-pilled nonsense.

Sanders ran an incredibly strong campaign, he was always going to be an underdog up against the establishment pick who was also the wife of en ex-president. You donā€™t need weird conspiracies to explain why Hillaryā€™s advantage in fundraising and endorsements. An elderly, openly-socialist from Vermont should not have had a chance on paper but he won entire states!


Thatā€™s because you donā€™t know how any of this stuff actually works. After the reforms of the last 50 years dems have taken almost all power away from thoughtful people with power to influence results.

I, like many people, assumed/understood that Biden would be a transitional candidate and would step aside if necessary if his health and function were bad. Heā€™s been a good president and seemed fine at the state of the union, but itā€™s now time to take the car keys away from Grandpa.


For the ā€œBiden has zero chance after last nightā€ crowd, what sort of polling shift should be expect for polls taken post-debate? 5+? 10+?

Or is this more of a slow steady decline until election day situation?

Everyone is assuming that great candidates are just waiting in the wings to take over his spot. What idiot would do this? If you have any good prospects whatsoever you would run screaming from such an offer

I donā€™t know what the polls will show, but I donā€™t expect people to jump on the Trump train if they had planned on voting for Biden. Itā€™s just that they want someone other than Biden on the Democratic ticket.

If Biden backers, especially his inner circle, want to prove heā€™s actually up for the job, itā€™s easy as hell. Just have him do some 3 hour interviews. Take every tough TV interview available, where he can prove he has full command of his faculties. If you hide him it just proves the case. If you donā€™t hide him and heā€™s even 50% as bad as last night, then dems with some ambition need to step up. For 180 years nominees were done at conventionsā€“itā€™s a possible thing.



Barry O should tell him that he needs to step aside but that he can name a successor. Itā€™s more of a coordination problem than anything else, because literally anyone else who could potentially win is fine.

He has done this! Repeatedly! Recently!

It didnā€™t make any difference. People here donā€™t even know what happened. Our media, and us tbh, are terrible

He has dodged many interviews and apparently does even small size big-dollar fundraisers off teleprompter only. He could give an oval office speech tonight, he could juggle while signing his ABCs on live TV. If heā€™s fully functional, he could prove it within 30 minutes.

Today is the youngest heā€™ll be in the next four years.

I have extreme doubts about Kamala, but I think sheā€™d be preferable at this stage. She just needs to not act like a fucking pre-packed dem focus group candidate with no personality.

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This is just not true. Heā€™s done multiple major interviews the past few weeks. No one cares.

you are kinda glossing over the important part here!

He dodged the SuperBowlā€¦but thatā€™s fine, he can do 5 1-hour interviews tomorrow and lay any concerns to rest.