2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

I don’t think someone as old as these two candidates should be President, but I also don’t think a debate performance properly reflects someone’s ability to do the job. Obviously, Biden has slowed down in his old age, but he also doesn’t have to get up and perform like that in the day-to-day course of the job. He can sit in the Oval Office discuss things with his advisors and make decisions. I believe he can do that and does that fine - we’ve never heard anything otherwise, unlike with Trump.

That all said, it was a bad look and I don’t particularly want someone to be President when they are in their mid-80’s. It also goes to show that you can get away with anything if you just speak confidently. Are you lying in every sentence? No problem, just say it like you mean it.

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I told my wife before the debate (which I didn’t watch) that it was a no-win situation for Biden. The moment he slipped up in a sentence, the media would be all over him, while Trump can say anything he wants because we expect him to be a piece of shit. Apparently, it was way worse than expected.


I hard disagree with the take that anyone replacing Biden at this stage has ‘zero chance’. I could just as easily argue that someone becoming the candidate at the convention in August has a greater chance than if they had been the nominee from the beginning.

Politics is animated by negativity and fear, and it’s potentially a big advantage to be a blank slate for people to project whatever they want onto you and a big disadvantage for the other side to only have ~10 weeks to throw dirt at you.


This is why negative campaigning isn’t going to work. We already know all the many reason Trump is shit, it’s all we’ve heard about for a decade now. You’re not going to come up with some Orange Man Bad shit that will work because there are zero voters who are persuadable on whether Trump is a nice person or not.


Q anon mode activated

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Which part Ikes? You have been one of the most delusional posters here about Biden but please educate me on how saying Biden got help from the DemE stooge class in the 2020 primary is somehow on the level of Qanon?

To ask it another way do you think there is any chance Biden wins the 2020 primary if he doesn’t get people ahead of him to drop out prior to Super Tuesday?


Did you say Biden got help or did you say the DNC interfered with a primary?

You’re happy about the debate result because it makes everyone as miserable as you.

I didnt say they interfered with a primary. I said they interfered. Which they 100% did.

Again you are either illiterate or just don’t bother to read what you are replying to before firing off another shitty post.


If people dropping out led to him winning, then this is just a form of ranked choice voting. Large primary fields can create outcomes that don’t coincide with the overall sentiments of voters.

If Haley started beating Trump once Desantis and others had cleared the way, it would be weird to see that as anything but a feature rather than a bug.

You’re not talking about the literal Democratic National Committee, you’re talking about eDems. To which I say:

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Listening to Brian Lehrer right now. He is interviewing Fauci who is 83 and somehow 30 years younger then either of our presidential candidates.


Is it usual for the 5th place candidate to win because the 2nd-4th place candidates all bow out of the race just prior to the biggest primary day? Why do we think that happened if it wasn’t coordinated? Ikes thinks that all just happened by coincidence but I don’t.

I mean I see your overall point and it isn’t wrong really. I’m just saying how we got here was Biden being crammed down our collective throats in 2020. Dem voters prefered several people over Biden and were robbed of the ability to vote for them by backroom deals that basically handed Biden the nomination. Yes I guess that is just our system but it fucking sucks.


Ok well whatever. In my mind the DNC and DemE party machinery is pretty interchangeable.

Nope we’re fucked


Interfered with the race. Which again they absolutely did.

Do you really think i was saying that they ourright rigged the primary? Or what point are you trying to make besides again illustrating you either are stupid or pretend to try to be stupid to score UP points on people.

That’s a pretty ahistorical recounting of what happened. Biden finished 2nd in Nevada, crushed in South Carolina, and then Bloomberg, Klobuchar and Pete dropped out. Warren held on until after Super Tuesday.

Biden then crushed Bernie going forward. It’s pretty tough to argue that he was not the preferred candidate of Democratic primary voters.

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Biden was the preferred candidate once it got down to headsup but whoever the chosen one was that consolidated the Biden/Pete/Warren voters was always going to win. The party chose Biden. Now we have an absolutely horrible situation because of that decision which again was made at the party machinery level, not by the voters.

Biden finished 4th, 5th, 2nd in the first 3 primaries. Then obviously crushed SC as people were dropping out and after the Dem party itself helped him win so bigly there. It isn’t clear at all he was preferred over Pete or Warren imo.

The voters had 45+ states and territories to decide Bernie vs. Biden straight up and Biden was the clear preference. You want it to be one way…

Oh so you don’t remember what happened at all. See I remember Biden being particularly strong among southern and black dems, riding that to a win that started early on.

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