2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

There are plenty of people who are pro-choice, gay marriage, drug legalization/decriminalization etc who think that Kamala Harris is a Marxist, the government used COVID to increase control to unprecedented levels and the Democrats are paving the road to serfdom.


Nope. He’s a rich single issue voter: taxes.

He’s pro-choice, thinks anti-trans stuff is stupid. None of these things personally affect him, so they don’t matter much. He also thinks Trump is a POS. He’s not white and not racist.

I last spoke with him when it was Trump vs Biden, so I guess it is possible he changed his mind, but based on the conversation, I doubt it.

There is so no such thing as voting for Trump and not being racist.

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You want it to be one way, but it’s the other way.

I agree that there is a lot of overlap. But there are definitely exceptions.

Obviously, you can craft a definition of racism that is broad enough that most Harris voters would fit also.


I do too. Although his idea of being socially liberal and mine are two very different things

I think you can definitely argue that a lot of the above mentioned rich folks think (possibly correctly) that Trump’s racist shit is mostly all talk and he won’t work very hard to follow up on any of it in office beyond some weak EO type stuff like the “Muslim ban” his first time around, that a close-ish House and Senate won’t allow any really nasty shit to pass, etc., but he’ll definitely put in work to make them richer, so hey why the hell not.


This is so true. Fuck, I’m racist at least on some levels of ignorance

I truly think one big reason why Clinton lost in 2016 is that people who were only considering Trump resented being called racist. Many people who are racist don’t want to think of themselves as such

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Sorry but it feels like you are all living 15 years ago still.

100% there was a real contingent of “socially liberal” people who voted for Bush, Romney and McCain for tax reasons other other nonsense.

Those people don’t exist now. They are not real or just lying. Trump is the single most extreme major party candidate to run for a western democracy in history.

Sorry just not buying there are people with the same motives as 15 years ago.

Sounds like standard libertarian tbh

No way

I tend to agree with this. You can favor gay rights without being gay, but can you really sign on to a racist agenda without being racist? That seems like a hard thing to justify.

Would the non-racist Trump voter stand up at a rally and chant “build that wall”? Would a white nationalist do the same? So the non-racist would stand side-by-side with a white nationalist at aTrump rally chanting “build that wall” and we’re supposed to believe he’s not racist?

Does the non-racist Trump voter believe that Haitians are eating dogs and cats? Maybe not, but it’s not a deal-breaker is it? And if that’s not a deal-breaker, what is? And we’re supposed to believe they’re not racist?

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As described above the non-racist Trump voter could be against off that stuff. He simply wants more taxes and doesn’t believe that Trump will be able to do all of those racist things. After all, he didn’t even build that wall the last time around. Surely the house/senate/judiciary or whatever will block him.

Maybe such a voter is stupid, naive, and uninformed. But they may not be racist in the way the word is commonly used.

Yeah I don’t let people off that hook. If you vote trump you are a racist hateful bigot because you are actively supporting those actions and that platform. I don’t care if Kamala promises 99% taxes.


Ok number two. And it’s more and more difficult to differentiate. Project 2025 is basically as stage one Mien Kampf

We are 100% drawing live to concentration camps.

Let’s consider the simple example where there are two issues: lowering taxes and racism.

Given a choice between a racist who will lower taxes and an anti-racist who will not lower taxes, it’s easy to see someone who thinks lowering taxes is more important than being against racism will pick the first candidate.

Now, would a non-racist go to a Trump rally and chant racist shit next to a white nationalist? Probably not. But there are plenty of non-racist Republicans who will stay at home during the rally and vote for Trump. Doesn’t mean they are racist. (Also, doesn’t mean they are good people.)

Transitive property, they become racists. If the best salesperson at my company is openly racist and the company doesn’t do anything about it because of sales, they are racist. Condoning racism in 2024 makes you a racist.


I hate to keep bringing up my boss, but this is him in a nutshell. If I bring up how he’s an authoritarian criminal who tried to steal an election and that he’s a threat to democracy, he just laughs and says it’ll never happen

What he cares about are lower taxes, less regulations, and keeping drag queens out of kid’s classrooms

Does this mean he’s misogynistic and racist? Absolutely. Does he think he is? Absolutely not

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Weimar Germany was a democracy.

This in itself tells us something about human nature. Your “low taxes, racism whatever” person sees the entire structure of the government only as it relates to him personally. He cares nothing about society or the greater good. The whole thing is there just for him. Does he draw the line anywhere? Low taxes, but fascist dictatorship? Is that okay? This guy’s world view doesn’t extend any further than his own driveway. Fuck him. He’s a racist as far as I’m concerned.


Very live.

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