2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

That’s how polling is supposed to work though. Even if we knew for a fact Kamala was say up 4, assuming a MOE of 5%, one in 20 polls should be an outlier (showing either Kamala up 14+ or Trump up 6+). That fact we don’t get those shows that most pollsters just chuck polls that they think are outliers - which is bad statistics.


I laugh every time the Pod Bros try to solicit money for their PAC. They literally call it the Anxiety Relief Program. I respect the hustle, but giving $5 to a PAC run by a guy who got voted off first in Survivor isn’t going to make me sleep better.

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yes I’m talking about fundraising texts. and it’s usually more polite that “go fuck yourself” (more like “go tell the candidate to fuck himself”), and it’s 100% from actblue, even though they have some convuluted way of washing their hands and saying it’s not them, because I got zero texts before I used actblue, and 13 seconds after I donated via actblue I got a fucking nonstop stream of texts from every fucking shithead with a (D) after their name. And weirdly, they all have (verbatim!) the same response when you ask if they got your number from actblue.

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anyway yeah, “oh you’re annoyed by our behaivor? well guess what we’re laughing at you, schmuck” is about what I expected


Do you think Joe would have cruised to reelection if he came out there and did a 2020 debate?

I think he means the race is close “because everyone flipped their shit over Biden’s debate performance and forced him to bow out”, not that if he’d done well we’d be in good shape.

The theory that I’ve heard is that both the Trump campaign and the Harris campaign think it’s good for them for people to think that Trump is winning.

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Ok this is kind of annoying. All of a sudden I start seeing Gaussian and IQ shit on X? I checked my privacy settings and deleted Chrome browsing history. I have the feeling I’m missing something. Bastards.

My default Android text spam filter is a massive quality of life feature. I’ve probably read about 5% of the political texts I receive. I suspect it’s not an optional use of resources, as all dem campaigns are competing against one another.

Mail/email lists were huge like 40 and 20 years ago, but it’s just too easy to collect and distribute this info now

I think he would have been competitive if he definitively addressed his perceived weaknesses in like 5 straight detailed interviews that laid the capacity issue to rest. However, I think Kamala has the benefit of being a “change” candidate and likely benefits from that.

That’s probably because of the Central Limit Theorem…

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Kinda think Trump will duck that too.


well, it’s a lot of extra effort on your part to type “go fuck yourself” than it is to just type “stop”

Biggest reason trump and his folks want to be shown as ahead and tell their people they are ahead is that it makes easier to tell people it was rigged when the candidate that was “ahead the whole time” somehow lost, not that it matters logically for those people


Not really when you take muscle memory into account.





Well I don’t think she’s doing herself any favors by going after unicorn voters with stuff like saying she wouldn’t have done anything differently than Biden or praising Dick Fucking Cheney, etc. Less of that to the finish line imo

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America is going to vote almost 50/50 Trump/Harris and he’s selecting a group for scolding that polls 73/16 for Harris. Well, that ought to push her over the top!