2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

Yeah but isn’t it weird that all their polls flipped at the same time? The GE poll and the couple swing state polls all had a wild swing. Is it really just shit happens? I am not a polling pollster so I am not up to speed on everything. What kind of margin of error do these polls have?


OK when we get errant texts from right wing psychos, THAT is when to get spicy

I do hope he responds to me personally!


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If you want to read someone unskewing the polls


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Trump has been especially incoherent and idiotic lately but that is helping him dominate the news cycle.

Barack gonna get us in trouble again



Really good Mark Robinson content

And as always, plenty of people saying that key GOP party planks are against everything they stand for and should disqualify any candidate


People talk a lot about male/female, white/nonwhite, etc., but it seems to me that this election actually boils down to educated vs uneducated. While this is by no means a direct proxy for smart vs dumb, it’s not unrelated. If one had to write a one-question IQ test, I doubt there would be many better options than “Harris or Trump”?


College educated white people in that poll support Harris almost as much as non-white not college educated people. (62%)

Love ya man. You nailed my perspective.

You would think… But I know at least a handful of people who are both college educated and very smart who are for Trump. You just can’t under estimate the apathy many have towards racism, misogyny, or how much they hate progressive ideology

I do know quite a few people from college who are generally smart, well educated people in their chosen fields, but just absolutely hate liberal politics and wokeism, safe spaces, weird pronouns or whatever and think that cancel culture is going to be the downfall of western civilization. Intelligence as most people think of it, is dumb.

It’s easy to hate all these things and still reach the obvious conclusion that Trump is much, much worse. (And it’s not like Kamala is actually running on such things–such people are influenced by obviously deficient sources of information, itself a sign of an inability to assess information.)

That’s something that has always puzzled me. Even assuming Bill Clinton and Obama were terrible or whatever (itself an odd conclusion), to vote for Trump, even when one could abstain, strikes me as basically disqualifying as being regarded as a serious person. To the extent the person is “serious”, one would have to believe such a vote is to bring about a larger goal, like the return of Jesus, another sign on nonseriousness.

I have met a few Trumpers who have wealth or are otherwise “respected.” I do not respect any of them or regard them as thoughtful people.


Didn’t finish college and voting for Harris. Holding it down for the white idiots over here.


Yeah but Trump’s whole plan is to siphon off X% of black voters, mostly male. So fighting back against that might not be the worst idea.


Obama going after black Trump voters seems like a very strong strategy. I’ve seen tons of interviews with black maga people and they always have some liberal tendencies.

I have no clue what sways those middle/borderline voters but I know they are not very smart.

It would have been great for Biden to say “I have prepared emergency bill that will give everyone in Asheville $25,000 in cash today and pledge 500 billion to help move people out of flood zones and fight global warming.” Then the news cycle is how republicans lose their minds at the prospect of helping people.

Instead the news cycle is that FEMA gave all the money to migrants who are also eating pets.

Fighting for the votes of Black people is great. The Democratic Party shouldn’t take those votes for granted. Calling Black men sexist doesn’t seem like the best sales pitch to me, but (1) I’m sure Obama also said a bunch of other stuff to make a pro Harris case and (2) he is a far better politician than me and also has way more experience as a Black man, so I’ll just hope that he knows the best approach.

