2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

I remember the prop 187 stuff in CA in the 90s. It wasn’t a harbinger of things to come but the last gasp of a dying movement. California is generally a leading indicator for the US in such things. At least that’s the optimistic case

lol yah surely the racists will get less racist after the election

also trump isn’t deporting anyone, he won’t do jack shit when he’s elected same as last time except play golf and humiliate the country. and fire his appointees with regularity.


Elon is not especially racist - just normal US white person racist.

White people don’t like this. Maybe in 20 or 30 years more white people will see that falling below 50% isn’t the end of the world. See California and Prop 187 in 1994.

Things have gotten weirder and we’re at cat eating.


Also, at some point all ligher-skinned Hispanics will just be declared “white” and the percentage will stay above 50% indefinitely.

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It’s pretty unlikely that there will actually be camps with millions of people, but there are lots of camps with thousands of people and the cops under Trump did round up thousands of people and deport them. There were some high profile raids on meat packing plants and such.

It’s true that there’s not as much difference between Trump and the Dems here as the rhetoric would suggest, but there is some difference and the number of removals of long term residents inside the USA will def go up a lot if Trump wins.

I don’t think it’s calming down anytime soon. Republicans have been smashing the “Hate immigrants” button for years, the country has never been like this in my lifetime. 90% of the GOP ads on TV in Ohio are immigrant fearmongering and the other 10% are fearmongering about China and trans kids playing sports. The adults have walked away and it’s just Republicans ratcheting up the fear with no downside for them. They absolutely won’t mind if harassing immigrants fucks up the economy, it’s prema-baked into their skulls that immigrants spend their lives sucking up welfare money and getting Obamaphones.


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This is still the last hope I cling to for if/when he wins again. Total laziness and incompetence, two years of bumbling around and maybe managing another tax cut for billionaires, then a blue wave that neuters any chance of really getting any nasty shit done. Of course somewhere in there Thomas and Alito will retire and get replaced with 22-year-old Nazis or something, but whatever.

I don’t think that’s really widely true. It’s something people have to say to justify their position, even if it’s just justifying it to themselves. That’s why you can’t argue them out of this position with studies about how immigration is a net contribution. Doesn’t matter. They don’t want to hear “press 2 for Spanish”. They don’t want to see Mexican flags on cars when there’s a big soccer game.


This exactly - just like Italians.

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It’s not always about skin color. When the Italians stopped speaking Italian and became wealthier and more integrated, that’s when they became white. Yeah, when Hispanics are more USA-patriotic, English speaking, and give up quinseañeras it’s not as much of a problem. When people talk about how it’s incumbent on immigrants to assimilate, they aren’t making that up. It’s what they want. It’s still gross and closed-minded and freedom hating imo.


The Hispanics I know in LA are more patriotic than the average white person. Generationally they speak English just like Italians. I hope they don’t give up quinseañeras.

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it isn’t going to be good or anything, but what can you do aside from keep your head down and let like 10% of your remaining life expectancy slide down the toilet

Help someone who is undocumented if you get the opportunity.

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That’d mean I’d make it to 93, so I’ll sign for that. Then again depending on how things go I may want the sweet release of death way before then.

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Yeah, from doing construction I know a pretty broad spectrum of Hispanics from recent and undocumented and not speaking much English to having families in the USA as long as mine or longer and not speaking any Spanish.


Is my absentee ballot going to move the needle in Ohio, or can I sit this one out?

Sherrod Brown’s race could end up being very close. The presidential is very unlikely to.