2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

But how much do we lose?

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Good food?

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Itā€™s been so frustrating to watch this ideology infect my friend group back home in PA too.

Mid 30s white collar guys who have mostly been liberal suddenly spouting off on illegals getting flown around and getting the free 5k credit card thing. In a group chat of 8 white guys Iā€™m the only one who will ever offer any resistance to this shit.

I point out that the story is completely fake, coming from R politicians, but theyā€™ll usually just offer some anecdote as a rebuttal.

Theyā€™re mostly heavy Twitter users tooā€¦ guessing thatā€™s mostly where itā€™s coming from.


I have a friend who has more than once complained about immigrants receiving cash from the federal government. He says something like ā€œGive them jobs and have them pay taxes, donā€™t give them my money.ā€ In the interest of not having yet another pointless argument I havenā€™t questioned this, except in my head.

There might be some people getting money, like people who come in as refugees, but those are relatively small numbers (currently ~100k/yr but the average since 2000 is about half that), not millions of people. I did some searching and afaict, a refugee might get about $10k spread over several months. It doesnā€™t seem like something to get worked up over. I assume this is some FOX news talking point. They usually try to have some kernel of truth in there but unless Iā€™m missing something, this is really weak stuff.


This assumes they know/care about the results of the policy other than being able to thump their chests about how strong daddy is making the country.


Thatā€™s depressing

Thereā€™s basically no better return on investment then giving refugees seed money to get their lives started in the US. Itā€™s so dumb to be against that. You have to literally believe they just want to come here to go on welfare.


I do admire the creativity sometimes. Conservatives take a oligarchā€™s wants and then try to reframe them as helping the average person. Will selling public land lesson the housing crisis? Absolutely not, especially when oddly enough all of the land thatā€™s being sold is going to oil, gas and mining interests.

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Look, I just want them to come here the white way.




If you must talk with people about this just ask them where to go to get the free illegal money and inquire why they havenā€™t gotten theirs yet.


Weā€™re headed to a dark place on immigration no matter who wins the election. Even moderates are now on board with building a wall and theyā€™re probably persuadable that mass deportation is a great idea. Republicans have been hammering away at this for decades and thereā€™s almost no real pushback from Dems. Going back to family separations is the ground floor, best-case scenario for what happens if Trump wins. Pretty grim spot for Haitian immigrants in Ohio for sure.

They donā€™t care.

Weā€™ve gone through these anti-immigrant purges a few times in the past (Operation Wetback), but generally when jobs were scarce and there was real protectionism over US-born workers. The fact that itā€™s happening now when the country is starving for unskilled labor is ludicrous.


My optimistic take on the dark situation is that the need for jobs will mitigate the worst of it, that what people are wanting is a sense of fairness and regularity, and if we do do border protection, reduce refugee intake, coupled with a path to citizenship that will quell most of it.

It sucks because increased migration does cause problems, but the problems can be fixed by sending resources to the specific communities, and making it possible to immigrate legally as opposed to illegally. Instead weā€™re getting a totalizing approach that having less people is somehow a positive good thats going to fix everything when itā€™s pretty clear that one of the major reasons why anyone listens to us is because we have a lot of people

I think it will calm down some after the election, at least until midterms. Right now itā€™s a full court press to win the election. Canā€™t keep people mad and terrified forever, have to ramp up at the right time.

Elon will stop shitposting 140x a day. Iā€™m curious to see if heā€™ll lose interest in twitter after the election, especially if Trump loses.

People have zero self-awareness of how much their anger is throttled up and throttled down by the editorial decisions of the media they consume.

My stepdadā€™s brother and his wife were so mad about Colin Kaepernick they refused to have the NFL on at Thanksgiving. Two years later it was like it never happened, NFL all day.

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Or they get even worse and become more interested in non-electoral means since they canā€™t win elections.

Maybe, but they donā€™t need the normie base to be at maximum fear/rage for that.

Heā€™ll still need a way to tell his fans the head of the FAA is a liar, the SEC has nothing on him, and following EPA regulations is a waste of time.

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At least no caravans this year.

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