2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

since lol didn’t watch, will put this here

I think it is terrific that for four years any complaint about Biden’s fitness has been treated as the moral equivalent of genocide, but now that is really is too late to do anything about it and legitimately terrible to be losing the press narrative, all these losers are writing op eds about how he is going senile and needs to step aside.


Plus, these were definitely at least partially written before the debate even began.

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I also like the folks here who can’t stand Biden (some of whom were already voting for Trump) are now saying, “See, I told you he’s too old!” Yes, that was always your argument.

I think there is exactly one poster who has claimed they are voting trump and even he isn’t a lock. I would snap bet my net worth on the under 1.5 for posters on this forum who end up voting trump.


What are you talking about? Biden’s mental state has been a frequent topic of conversation here, despite the constant refrain of “it’s a stutter” and “talking about that means you want Trump to win” from those in denial

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Yes, obviously, and I don’t think anyone has argued against the idea that his age and mental acuity are big problems.

I’m talking more about the ones who say he commits genocide and that he’s worse than Trump and that they will vote Trump, etc., now saying, “see, we told you he was old.” That’s amusing to me.

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But those people probably were the people saying he was too old :thinking:

If the election were today?
  • I’d vote Biden
  • I’d vote Trump
  • I’d vote some other party
  • I’d stay home
0 voters

Yes, Genocide Joe’s main critique of Biden is his age. lol.

Their main critique? Probably not. But I’m sure it is one of their critiques.

im not sure what your point is. that people are criticizing Biden for more than one thing?

OK, but that was one of literally everyone’s critiques. So the I told you so is silly. I think even the guy who said “it’s just a stutter” probably conceded that his age is a problem.

You gotta let everyone run a victory lap here, even the tankies. If you thought Biden’s age was going to be a problem, congrats on your keen political insight, take a run around the bases. Everyone here is better at this than the people running the DNC. Yes, I know I mixed metaphors back there, don’t @ me and say “Trolly, victory laps are for racing, not baseball.” Shut up, nerd.


“I told you so” is understandable given how recently posters here had been denying his mental acuity problems or stating that talking about his age means you want Trump to win

I guess I’m biased because I believed that this debate had only downside for Biden, and many disagreed, and now that it’s played out as I expected I do feel like saying “I told you so”

Not that any of this matters because we’re just shouting into a void. It’s just frustrating.


These people all want Trump to win so they can write witty articles about our dissent into fascism during Trump 2.0

I assume you are joking but this is not really wrong.


Haha, I wasn’t joking.


I don’t think he’s joking. If not the people, certainly the institutions


Based on the poll posted earlier, you def deserve to say I told you so. Although I hear you that it doesn’t help anything.