2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

When Trump wins it’s not really going to be because of young voters, or POC, or Biden’s age, or the feckless Democratic Party. It will happen because the US is completely fucking brimming with really awful, bigoted people who also absolutely despise people like the ones who post on this forum and can’t wait to wallow in our despair.


Thing is, Biden is going to lose youth votes from both sides: those who are pissed at him/the US for continuing to financially support Israel, and those who are pissed he has even slightly criticized Israel. They aren’t young, but I know multiple Jewish people who turn against anyone who supports Palestinians, even if they pass every other purity test (ex: a couple people I know who have always been completely on the left now hate the Indigo Girls and Bernie Sanders). And now they have started to question or have outright decided they won’t vote for either candidate: can’t vote for Trump, obviously, but can’t vote for Biden because he had the gall to maybe once say constant bombings of Gaza were bad.

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Here in deep blue New York we don’t even have mail voting

I don’t think any of this matters. Trump is in reruns the Trump-curious who havent converted to cult members will sit this one out.

Polls have obviously been nonsense from the start. First it was skewed Dem because Rs lie to pollsters out of shame or for trolling, now they’re the ones answering landlines so overrepresented?

The unspoken undercurrent in both is danger to people who care about polls. The cult members don’t care about polls, they’re for concerned white people in the suburbs.

Just media farming money/eyes/clicks/etc imo.

I used to think this. Then Trump gained over 11 million new voters between 2016 and 2020.

There is something to what you are saying but it’s hard for me to think basically ALL polls conducted by dozens of outlets over the last few months are simultaneously skewed the same incorrect way. That seems pretty unlikely. The poll results the last few months have actually been shockingly consistent if you look at them.


I honestly can’t remember, when Trump debating in person does he talk the massive shit / personal attacks like he does on social media?

Not that unlikely. They were basically all skewed incorrectly in 2016 the same way. 2020 also to some extent.

The unlikely part is that they are skewed incorrectly the other way this time.

The only reasonable choice for people who want to retain any level of sanity is to totally ignore polls this far out. Normies haven’t even seen him yet.


I’m not even sure you need to say “this far out”. In 2012 polls had Mitt ahead in mid October and he lost the popular vote by almost 4 percentage points. Polls in 2016 had Hillary with a substantial lead right up the election date (although she did in fact win the popular vote by 2% points so there’s that). In 2020 the polls showed Biden with a massive popular vote lead that was not realized. The polls up limited predictive value right up until election day, really. But they feed the infotainment / content consumption market’s needs, that’s for sure.

I would say the majority answering a landline are people watching Fox News

I personally never answer my phone and if you really want to keep a secret from me, put it on my VM

Anyone have a good trivia team name that references the debate tonight?

None of the Above



Wrong Drumpf GIF

Hah, falling for the ole No True Sick Fuck Fallacy!


I can’t imagine the discussion and meetings that went into the decision to leak the info that Biden says these things in private. So edgy.


I think that’s been out there a while.

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If they’re going to go the personal route, just keep calling him stupid over and over. His thin skin won’t be able to handle that.

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I want to see Biden challenge Trump to a push up contrst and then go one-handed like Jack Palance