2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

I agree it’s unforgivable that Biden is the nominee and I’m not one to preach all the “don’t let perfect be the enemy” crap. But I also don’t think the Dem messaging strategy is fully underway yet and they have an opportunity to obliterate Trump

Normies are gonna eventually realize the situation for what it is… That one of these guys is a convicted felon out on bond facing a minimum 3 more felony trials. Infuriated women (and men) fed up over losing their rights due to a corrupted SC will turn out in droves to vote against GOP fascism (if not for Dems)

I hope they do some positive messaging on economic and immigration policies too

And if they don’t or are too feeble to do, or our fellow citizens to dumb and racist to care, then I’ve resigned myself to this is the country I now live in and we deserve what we get

Trump gonna be up all night tryna figure a way to rig this



I’m disappointed they didn’t go with my idea of reusing the clear soundproof booth they put saddam in when he wouldn’t shut up while he was on trial

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They should have explained how well the candidates can hear one another while they are interrupting. The audience may not be able to hear because of directional mics, but interruptions, if they can be easily heard by the candidates could be distracting.



If this is true then it doesn’t really matter who the Dems are running. (Unless it’s another nazi guy.)

That is my hope. I know I’m not answering polls as they look like spam or scam calls.

Idiocracy is the newspaper headline I would go with if Trump wins.

Florida just sent me a letter to inform me that mail in ballots must now be requested for every single election lol.

Hahahahaha what are we even doing here.

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Major cognitive dissonance, but 38% is probably the size of the Trump cult and how trustworthy is the guy who appointed the feckless Merrick Garland as Attorney General after the last coup attempt?

I’m not convinced of this at all.

On either side, but especially for Trump.

I’m pretty sure the way Draftkings makes money on highly correlated same game parleys is by not booking them. That said, I am not a professional statistician.

The Trump base also will hear the words “threat to Democracy” and think “non-white people overrunning the border”. As mentioned in another thread recently, words have different meanings to different people.


A lot of people just want to cheer for their team, and Republicans are way more likely to prioritize cheering for their team over even an attempt to make a decision based on objective reality. If they cared about objective reality then they probably wouldn’t be Republicans in the first place.


Biden will lose the election because of Israel/Gaza. He’s going to lose a ton of the youth vote.

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You may be right because these elections are won and lost on thin margins, but it does seem like every election the Dems fret about losing the youth vote and in reality what happens is the “lost” youth vote wasn’t going vote anyway (probably because they’re too busy eating avocado toast). Younger people vote disproportionately for Ds, but they don’t vote as often as older people. The “high” turnout of the youth vote in 2020 was actually pretty significant, but it bumped up to about 50% for people 18-24, still far below the 60% to 75% turnout for older age bands.

A reversion in youth (say, under 24) voters would hurt Biden for sure. Whether it’s decisive or not would depends on where those lost votes come from. If a lot of angry college aged pro-Palestine voters in NY and California withhold their votes, then there’s no practical impact on the Presidential election outcome. On the other hand, if it turns even one of Michigan, Penn, or Wisconsin then it could be decisive. Hard to predict.

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Also there’s a good bit of the youth vote that desperately wants fascism, so he’ll lose some from that bucket as well.

My main question is if the active operations in Gaza have stopped will same level of outrage towards Biden continue if Israel is fighting Hezbollah in southern Lebanon, seems like probably would not be as passionate a response so maybe will be time for younger folks to swing back to Biden after hearing Trump constantly for a couple months this summer/fall