2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)



NPR has just informed me that Trump/Vance are doing bigly numbers of podcasts to connect with the kids, mostly males. Dr. Phil is their only outreach to women.

Phew some good news!


  • Harris leads Trump: Harris leads Trump by 5 percentage points among likely voters, 50% to 45%, down from a 6-point lead last week. The latest tracking shows Harris pulling 80% among Black likely voters, her best numbers to date. Trump’s support among Black likely voters (16%) is his worst so far, driven by a decline among those under the age of 45 (from 28% to 21%) since the beginning of the month.”

Not exactly.


I feel like anyone saying that men are shittier now should go back and watch a season of Survivor or The Challenge from the mid-2000s.

The level of overt and casual sexism that was just accepted within my adult lifetime is pretty jarring to see now.

Of course you still have some shitty dudes who will edgelord on the internet or gripe about having their rights taken away because they can’t call a woman a dumb bitch to her face, but the prevalence or at least loudness of them has diminished.


Yeah it’s rare to find a comedy from the 80s or even the 90s that doesn’t have a half-dozen super cringey moments.

The whole plot of Superbad was that if he got as drunk as the super drunk girl, then it was ok to have sex with her.

And the John Hughes movies, holy hell.

The only one that still pretty much holds up is the raunchiest one of all, Fast Times. Oh yeah, except for the Phoebe Cates scene.


Sure, I think a lot of it is our level of exposure. Like, giant twitter threads talking about women being influenced to vote by Taylor Swift followed by seemingly serious calls to repeal the 19th amendment because women are too stupid to vote on their own.

Im sure those sentiments have been around since the 1920s, but its much more in your face and visible now. The idea though that anybody could hold the position of “More than half the country should be ineligible to vote because they do not have a penis” is a gobsmackingly absurd notion. And yet, there it is.

A share of minorities, young people, women, and union members are irrationally terrified of crime and afraid of immigration or hate migrants. They’re not voting for Trump because they think he’s good for their group, they just want other people turned away or put in prison more than whatever you’re thinking should convince them to vote D.

Every other word out of Trump or JD Vance’s mouth is about immigration. It’s 3 of the 20 points in the Republican Party Platform. People hold up signs saying “Mass Deportation Now”. And yet, Dems look everywhere else when they try to figure out why people like Trump.


For sure, I personally think society has improved and men in general have improved.

I just think older folks who are more plugged in to mainstream politics may be underestimating the fashy-curious nature of young, online men. I think the notion that young people have better politics than olds may not be as true as it was even just a decade ago, and it makes me a little nervous about the upcoming decade+


I actually think a more salient question is why there are so many young white men who aren’t Republicans. I mean, it is very explicitly a party for whites and men as has been for quite some time. The default expectation should be that white guys will largely fall largely in line.

Those of us who identify more with the left and find the right debased and awful may like the idea that we are just smart enough to see things as they are, but there is likely something personal in our experience that got us to that point. Probably a good idea to try and identify what that is. I have spent a lot of time thinking about this in my own case and haven’t totally figured it out yet.


No? Seems like everyone knows that this is why Trump is winning. It was the founding point of his first campaign and it’s been his biggest issue every time. Dems ignore immigration because they can’t win on the issue. Either they put forth positions that are Trump-lite and lose because they lose the left and can’t wrestle immigrant haters away from Trump, and more leftist positions on immigration are quite unpopular ore at least not as singularly motivating as mass deportation forces are to immigrant haters. Talking about other issues, meanwhile, highlights that Trump has nothing else and can hit on issues that are singularly motivating to non-immigrant-haters, like abortion, the economy, etc.

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I mentioned it before but Barney from HIMYM is basically a rapist and we were kinda cool with it.


I think that’s exactly right and the Dems should just talk about issues they win on (mostly reproductive rights), but it should be pretty easy to see what’s going on. It really shouldn’t baffle anyone that some voters who benefit from other Dem positions just have keeping people out as a higher priority.

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People here being frustrated with women, minorities, and union members voting Trump isn’t from a lack of understanding about their motivation. It’s because the people here do understand why they’re doing it.

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Unlikely to happen obviously.

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Lot of second hand influence too. Influencers who follow rogan, Tate, Peterson Et al are influencing younger kids and they all have the same dumb takes on politics. I get to hear from them more than I care to and I listen to people discuss issues with them and they simply don’t understand but they are twenty five year olds influencing teenagers to an extremly alarming degree and it’s pretty much males only.

There is a crazy divide developing between the males and females in our youngest generations due to their takes on so many politically inflammatory issues. Women don’t want to date these guys but they are such a large percentage of the total population they find themselves with no choice if they are looking for a heterosexual relationship.


Doesn’t help that the Dems still have no Latino outreach plan beyond “hope Orange Man says something super racist.”

We’re definitely regressing here and it’s not great.

Say what you will about how shitty people were in the past, you used to have to actively seek out hardcore Neo-Nazi shit instead of having it pushed at you. I think Twitter has desensitized us to the constant sewer of racist tropes.

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In 1992 Pat Buchanan was running for POTUS and Kurt Waldheim was President of Austria.

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In my lifetime I feel like the r-slur, f-slur, generalized misogyny, etc started to abate in the late 1990s. In 2004 Massachusetts became the first state to recognize gay marriage. Obergefell was 2015.

So we went from a long stretch of unabated general acceptance of terribleness to better in a pretty short period of time, all things considered. As it turns out, I think a lot of people “went along” with a move toward tolerance much more grudgingly than it appeared at the time.

There’s clearly been a backslide, but I definitely think we’re ahead of where we were in 1995 or whatever.