2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)





Unfortunately, I don’t think we can get rid of guns until we get rid of gun culture, and that will take at least a generation or two from when that effort (which is a fantasy) starts. If parents don’t teach their kids to love guns and consider guns these all-important problem-solving blankies, then kids won’t grow up to care about guns.

Simplistic, yes, but that’s the gist.


Australia had a “gun culture” and fixed this bullshit after one (1) mass shooting. Japan has like 3 gun deaths a year. It just takes the bare minimum of humanity in political leaders.

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Americans are batshit insane though. They’re so fearful and guns are their security blanket. Never mind that like 90% of the stuff they’re afraid of, having a gun wouldn’t help and might actually get them killed.

It’s that one fantasy of a slow-moving, very loud (black) burglar that gives them time to get their gun and load it.

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90% of the things Americans are afraid of aren’t even real. It’s all things they believe because of corporate and political propaganda.

A simple trip to Mexico City or Europe and half of our family fears for our lives like we are on the front lines of WW1.



Possible bots with pager jokes in replies.

The media as a whole overwhelmingly gave conspiracy wingnuts and spitballing weirdos like Nate a platform, shut actual professional epidemiologists out of the conversation, and now a frightful number of regular schmucks have RFK Jr.-adjacent views on public health.

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Anti-vaxx so pervasive in the wellness and biohacking fitness communities that they think pro-vaxx is the fringe position. Or at least they act like it.

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Fed dropping rates? Should help Kamala?

I don’t know how much rate changes 50 days from the election matter. I think the biggest help or hurt is how the stock market reacts. My prediction is the market turns sharply downward if the cut is 25 bps, and that the market turns sharply downward if the cut is 50 bps.




Pump that shit straight into my veins



Lol Trafalgar

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Nice set of polls, though I am a bit spooked specifically about Quinnipiac because they’ve held the line so hard on not changing their methodology.


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From a disease standpoint or a bunch of anecdotal claims on impact on the kids. All this hindsight completely ignores the downsides of the disease.

These polls are in alignment with the 2020 outcome where Wisconsin was closer than PA and MI.

Being that far out in front in Pennsylvania and Michigan would be massive.

All Kamala would need is one of GA/AZ/WI/NC to get to 270.

Though I really won’t feel confident if the margin of victory is only one state.