2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

Narrator: You know how they voted.


Their governor doesn’t seem to care and knows he’ll still be supporting Trump. These politicians are zero character or integrity

Lol not a chance. I wouldn’t pull the lever for the trolly if the other route required posting on Facebook.

It’s not supposed to be interpreted as whoever is ahead in the popular vote is a favorite.

Treat it like any other highly correlated predictive factor that is easier to track/model then the thing itself.

The popular vote vs. electoral count scatter plot on the 538 model gives a pretty idea of what ranges of outcome are possible. There are zero sims where Harris +6 results in a Trump win. You can eyeball it and see that a Harris +1 or +1.5 looks to be about a flip in electoral chances.


well there is a popular vote compact going around, that once 270 electoral votes worth of states agree to would functionally eliminate it. Basically the constitution allows states to assign their electors any way they want, states agreeing to this compact are saying that once a majority of the EC agrees to it, all states that have signed it will assign their electors to the winner of the national popular vote.


yeah this also makes gerrymandering a lot harder



Wasn’t Hillary getting numbers this good in Mid-September?

Yeah, and the prevailing theory is that if Comey didn’t happen, she would have shipped.

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Biden was also way up.

Mid-September was a lull for HRC. She was ahead by a fair amount before that and after.

It would honestly solve a lot of problems, but getting it to happen requires existing House members to functionally vote to reduce their own share of power, so good luck getting it done even if you have a trifecta with a +50 House edge or something.

What’s the difference


While it’s true that Ohio St did lose 31-0 in January of 2017, don’t let that distract you from the fact that on September 25th of 1984 Dartmouth lost to Yale by 113-0. Moreover, while this was the first time there was a shutout in a game with over 100 points scored, it was only the VERY NEXT WEEK that Lafayette lost to Princeton by 140-0. As far as I’m aware, that year (1984) was the last time any college football team scored over 100 points in a game, but please do not let this extensive clarification distract you from the fact that in 1998, The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer’s table.


miss that guy. he got me a LOT.


It’s weird because all Republicans and a significant chunk of Democrats in areas like Portland, Seattle, Los Angeles, and San Francisco just believe MAGA lies about where they live

So it’s a bit noteworthy that these Springfield electeds are even saying there’s lies

man that’s a solid sign, better keep a camera pointed at it bc no way trump guy is gonna wanna look at it every morning lol



That’s a photoshop. The shadows are all wrong I think

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yeah i see it now. needs to happen tho

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