2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)


Jesus Christ, the foreigners are bringing in diseases, crime, and eating pets. Just need to say the Jews are letting them to poison society for a complete bingo card.




My understanding is that the Springfield Haitians are primarily migrating from Florida. Not sure I would like that myself tbh

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I think they always rebuttal with something like ā€œPeople have to wait for careā€

Forget that their insurance just denied a totally legitimate request for a specialist just because that is SOP. Ignoring that specialist books out 3+ months in advance for just the initial appointment, then another appointment for the actual damn thing another 3+ months out from that, if your insurance has deemed you worthy.



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ā€¦to the pony store to get a faster one.



Rick Steves somehow threaded the needle of being the travel guy for dweebs while not really being that in real life from what I can tell.


Rick is set to go under the knife pretty soon too.



Heā€™s been very pro weed for like 30 years, lol olds man, just zero awareness of anything

My brother tried to start a travel newspaper geared toward college students a long time ago and met Rick Steves at some conference. Told me the guy was as nice as can be and was happy to give a bit of his time to talk to him about his endeavor. I think he was even open to some sort of promotion or something if the project got off the ground, I donā€™t remember. It was a long time ago.

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Spent a couple of nice forays into Venice with Rick. Well he talked, I only listened. Walking the first time, the second time it was raining so took the water bus and did the canal tour.


Good for Bernie but I still want to drop out.


This is why I donā€™t do mail in voting. I know Iā€™d fuck up something like that. It would be like programming a VCR where you have to screw up a half-dozen ways before you finally get it to work.

Ah you did everything right, but you forgot to turn the VCR off when you left the house. So sorry.

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Where did all these god dam immigrants come from?

Oh, Springfield wanted them.

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Pope Francis:

But when asked whether it would be morally admissible to vote for someone who favored the right to abortion, he responded: ā€œOne must vote. And one must choose the lesser evil. Which is the lesser evil? That lady or that gentleman? I donā€™t know. Each person must think and decide according to his or her own conscience.ā€


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I donā€™t do it anymore either. Iā€™ve told this story before. Ohio requires voter id but also requires signature match. When I voted early in person once, I hand them my id, then I have to sign electronically and match the signature on file. I sign.

Lady looks at computer: Try again, maybe a more official looking signature.

I sign again slightly different signature.

Lady: No try again.

I try again and fail again. After failing 3 times to match the signature I signed god knows how many years ago.

Lady: Do you just want to come around back here and look at what your signature looks like on the computer.

I walk around behind the counter and look at my signature on the computer, walk back around and sign, then am finally able to vote. This was all after my state issued id had already been checked and confirmed.

Translation, Ohio can absolutely throw out any ballot they want.


The Medicaid rules for ltc are absolutely diabolical. At the end of his days we tried to put my dad in ltc but his maxed out social security made him too well off, by a handful of dollars, to be eligible for Medicaid.

He made $20 too much so he had to fund the 9k himself. He died before they could kick him out though. In fact they called me into the office to tell me this the day he died.

As a white guy in Ohio, I figure my vote wonā€™t get messed with, but who knows.