2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

Wow. I did not know that Chief Wigham and the Minsk guy from friends were the same person.

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I have seen a dozen TikTok’s of dogs reacting to trump saying that, half in Spanish.

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I really think Dems are missing out on a political winner here, probably because their donors love the current setup too.

The exemption is $27 million but it is in reality much larger with even a moderate amount of tax planning, this issue probably polls about as well as abortion but crickets from eDems as they gleefully insider trade on individual stocks.

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Don’t listen to the latest episode of Amicus, which is all about the things that Republicans have been doing since the last election to make sure they can “legally” subvert the election results. It’s pretty deflating

Yeah, there’s a mechanism where each spouse can gift up to X a year to anyone without counting against their exemption. I forget what X is exactly, but when you multiply it by two spouses and by (two kids and four grandkids) and by 10 years, it is quite significant.




I can’t possibly believe that Mike Braun (apparently also known to some as Brown) is only up two in the governor’s race here, but yeah.

If Trump is really only up 10 in Indiana, that is an amazingly positive outcome.

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Yep. Last three Indiana elections since Obama narrowly won here in 2008 have been Romney +11, Trump +19, Trump +17. If Trump +10 were the result here, I’d gladly take that for what it would likely indicate nationally.

As to the governor’s race, I guess my assumption even if I view those numbers as credible was that the Libertarian votes would fall away and break toward Braun to give him a comfortable enough win, but I did look back and see that Rainwater actually pulled a full 11% in the 2020 gubernatorial election (with the incumbent GOP governor winning a 57-32 blowout), so maybe that really is a credible block of Libertarians who will actually vote that way in November.

I bet those beneficiaries will sure vote for Harris now! :slight_smile:

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Every normie I’ve ever tried to explain the limits where estate tax kicks in has been a) shocked, b) probably didn’t believe me and c) certainly forgot right after I told them.

Literally no one believes Republicans would be making such a big deal out of the “death tax” if the limits were as high as they are.


These are the same people that turn down raises because it’ll put them $100 into a new tax bracket and that will “cost them money”. It’s hopeless.


You will never convince ordinary Americans that Democrats will lower their taxes or be better on national security. America’s political brain solidified in the 80’s; it’s impossible for priors to be changed.

We already have a massive estate tax - often nearly 100%. It only applies to middle-class people who are old.



Attempt to explain to a Republican that Europe has solved health care completely and their brains explode.

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Socialism is great until you run out of other people’s money.

–Albert Einstein


To these people, Europe is like Narnia. They’ve heard of it, but are pretty sure it doesn’t actually exist.

Also, they know that “Socialized Medicine” means you have to wait months for medical care and that is bigly bad. They do not manage to connect the dots when they call for a dermatologist appointment and they are currently booking out to February.


The weirdest thing is some of them do know Europe exists, go there, and still believe all the R mythology.

Rick Steves posted today that he supports Kamala (duh) with all his reasoning. He got a lot of support, but also a half-dozen replies like “Rick, I love your shows, but you’re wrong…” or “Rick, please stay out of politics” etc.

His whole damn show is political if you pay any attention. He’s always shouting out Euro healthcare, education, paid leave, etc and contrasting it with America’s FUBAR systems. His intro literally says “Travel opens up our minds… to build not walls, but bridges.”

These people have their heads so far up their asses to not realize Rick is sneaking liberal arguments into every show wherever he can.