2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

Really an indictment of the U.S. education system plus the right wing brainwashing machine



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Yep, people quite literally have no fucking clue how our tariff systems work.

Quite possibly because when they learn about tariffs, they are 17, taking their US history class, and daydreaming about what will happen with their smoking hot softball player girlfriend after school rather than paying attention to their dumbass jock football coach who is teaching history class, for some reason, by rambling on for an hour straight with no engagement with their class.

Not that I would know or anything.

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Yeah, I’d say helicopter the shit out of that one if it means ensuring a Kamala vote in GA.


Donald Trump was elected president and may be again. No education system can turn shit for brains into smart.

Wtf no, Georgia is a swing state. He’s doing God’s work.


It’s not like it takes much time to check voter status every day or every few days. It’s a website. 30 seconds. And I’ve made three calls in the past couple months. Kid has school, college applications, friends, activities to worry about. I can be a dad and handle this.

She also said she wants my wife and I to go with her to vote so she can be sure she does everything right (obviously we can’t stand there while she’s actually voting). I’m more than happy to do that - it’s a momentous occasion!


That’s pretty cool of you

My parents never spoke to me about voting. The only reason I was even registered to vote was because the Obama campaign in 2008 targeted college campuses to get people to register to vote. I got registered by some lady with a clipboard outside the gym. It seems like today’s youth are so much smarter and more aware, which is definitely a good thing

That’s not what that word means.


How exactly can they possibly know that it “led directly”.


100% this:


For stupid reasons all websites can see what website you came from/clicked a link on, if any, on the first visit via the “http referer” (sic).


How exactly can they possibly know that it “led directly”.


Biden in full counting-the-days-to-retirement mode:



Thanks. I guess that’s pretty clear.

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There’s more evidence of the Swift effect here.

From this clip


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And the left for putting zero effort into trying to educate. The right is out there screaming “Bidenflation” nonstop and I’ve never heard anyone trying to turn it back on them. And it would be easy to do! Obviously tariffs, regressive tax cuts, showering rich people with covid money, and zero percent interest rates lead to inflation. Like in a lot of econ 101 theories there are caveats and competing influences but both Trump’s implemented policies and his stated goals for his next term are like taking every inflation dial the President can actually influence and cranking them up to 11. And we’re just letting the Bidenflation narrative go unchallenged.

Even during the debate Harris had the perfect opportunity to point out Trump would exacerbate inflation when he said he would implement even more tariffs and she passed. The moderator had to point it out after her response. KamalaHQ should be pushing out memes to make this connection every day.

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Wouldn’t it be logical to conclude that there would be a spike in searches as the debate was ending? Hard to attribute that to Swift as there would’ve been an increase there regardless.

FWIW I basically do nothing for my kids and I did register them to vote

