2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

Hoi polloi maybe have made fun of Trump, but our politicians? No, not hardly. They’ve called him scary, a rapist, dangerous, a puppet, a wannabe tyrant, and Trump likes at least most of those things. But “weird” has been living rent free in his head with one press release. No one has laughed at Trump on the debate stage or dismissed his incoherent ramblings as such. That’s how you get under his skin.


Talking to my 19 year old, he says he knows a ton of people who are excited about a debate for the first time. He believes they want to see her stand up to him and explicitly call him out on his bullshit

I dunno, I am pretty skeptical that talking policy is the way to win a debate, I really feel like ripping on Trump and going for zingers is the best approach and hopefully getting Trump flustered that a black woman is doing it.


Needs to be a mix of both, but I agree that calling him a rapist etc. is gonna go nowhere. Just making fun of him for being incoherent, like a Billy Madison-esque “everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to that” kind of thing, might be the way to go.


Yeah I’m picturing something like “This incoherent lunatic is obsessed with wild fantasies about immigrants eating cats while women are losing more access to health services every day”.


Yeah I agree it’s a needle that needs to threaded carefully, hopefully Kamala can pull it off. But it shouldn’t be hard to make fun of him for all of his non answers on policy and complete BS, basically all the stuff many of us thought Biden could do. Maybe sweet summer child…

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She should challenge him to name all his children in 20 seconds. “Go!”


“My unhinged opponent is making up weird fantasies about things that never happen, like gender affirming surgeries happening at school, while opposing doing anything about the very real problem of kids getting shot at school.”


Agree that this, and basically everything that points toward what a terrible human being he is, is worthless. Many who are willing to vote for him agree and accept this as true, and have for years now. Persuading people of that is just wasting time. If everyone who thought he was an awful shitbag was also unwilling to vote for him then this election would be in zero question.

I don’t even know what exactly the answer is in terms of how to make headway with people who would still be willing to pull the lever for him, but I know that any pointless fan service of that sort isn’t it.

She might not say it in words, but we’ve all seen the videos: Harris has a very expressive face and isn’t afraid to show her thoughts.

I can’t find it now but there’s footage out there of her debating in the CA senate race and her face when her opponent did something nuts said way more than words. And it was incredibly relatable. Basically the same face everyone watching probably made.

I expect to see a lot of that tonight.


Maybe she (or her staff) reads UP and finally someone will do the Riverman challenge of “When is Eric’s birthday?”


She should work on a bunch of these.


I think the same conversation is going on in the debate thread. These seem like much better examples to me than what’s been proposed in that thread.

“Trump is a stupid rapist” will score no points with anyone except internet cheerleaders who will already vote for her. “Trump makes up pretend problems so he can deflect from real problems” is a consistent thread that can apply to all these examples and doesn’t require getting into an insult war… assuming she can back it up by presenting that she is the person to solve those real problems.

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I fear people are overestimating Harris. She historically hasn’t been a good debater.

Which I think is very weird because she’s seemed exceptionally capable in some high profile senate hearings.

hell yeah we were really getting hit so badly in the last debate when they showed joe on split screen. trump says so much loony shit, to have a split screen there it’s perfect opportunity to do some nonverbal reactions, leading the viewing audience to react in a certain way almost like a sitcom laugh track. i trust kamala to handle that part well. (not just better than joe, i mean well. literally anyone could give better nonverbal reactions that joe gave at that debate he looked like he was going to cry and fall asleep at the same time)


It’s more like, people that are willing to work hard at low paying jobs are driving up rents for the entitled lazy locals.

In others words, the entire history of immigration in America.

I still can’t believe Biden offered to play Trump in a round of golf. Basically implying the guy isn’t nearly as bad as people say if you can pal around with him for a few holes.

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