2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

I live near woods that are riddled with coyotes. I hear them nightly. In 6 years I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve seen one. They are incredibly shy and elusive. Although my cats live indoors and my small dog rarely goes outside unsupervised for this reason.

Im seeing very little trump yard sign enthusiasm at this point.

Next election, you won’t even need to put up yard signs


A couple houses in my neighborhood started with the trump signs in may (lol)

Since then, no new houses have put up signs, but every one of the houses that already had a trump sign has put additional trump signs on their front lawns (lolol)


I’m still waiting on my “official” KH/TW lawn sign to be shipped, nice.

Some guy up the block who lives across from the only Somali family and has always had a “I support the Town police” sign put up a T sign :+1: :+1: yeah we already knew dude

The only sign on our block is a “Presidents are Temporary, Wu-Tang is Forever” from my neighbor around the corner. To all appearances I would have expected them to be Trumpers, so I’ll take it.


It is extremely disheartening how deeply and openly the GOP is diving into this racist anti-immigrant theme.


There seems to be a bit of a North Carolina pattern right now.




lol at anyone thinking calling Republicans ‘weird’ was some kind of wound to our national healing. That was letting them off nicely.


Not gonna lie; “it might all be untrue, but keep the memes flowing” seems pretty crazy for specifically JD Vance to embrace right now.


On NPR’s Morning Edition they mentioned a poll today that says Kamala is the change candidate as opposed to a previous poll having Trump the change guy. From this they conclude the race is 50/50. But imo they should consider the questions. Trump means chaos, and chaos is change, but it’s not good. I guess what I’m saying is stfu, Inskeep.

I think peddling racist lies is a winning move for Trump’s team, just keep doubling down on them, keep flooding the zone with racist trash for the next few news cycles. America is full of dumb angry bigots, the Dems do not have any kind of answer other than more border patrols. If immigration is the focus of the race, Dems will lose. If Dems spend the next cycle trying to fact-check obvious racist lies, they lose.


Spotted 2 republicans for Harris yard signs today planted in the old money section of the reddest city in Texas.


Wait a second. Haitian immigrants are driving up rental rates?

That’s been a pitch those who want deportation have been touting. Reduce the demand by kicking people out and the price will fall.

Winning NC would mean that you can lose PA, lose GA, win WI, win MI, and then you just need either AZ or NV.


The answer is to mock him for being a crazy old man with an overactive imagination and then change the subject.


Of course they are! It’s easy for 20 of them to share a place and split rent.

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This is what I want tonight and I don’t think I’m going to get it.

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Dems have been mocking Trump nonstop for nine years, it doesn’t work. This Haitian racial demagoguery shit is catching fire, he’s found a way to get his supporters riled up and I don’t see the Dems having any real answer.