2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

Spoiler please


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Interesting… I’m a dog person, but cats are extremely cool creatures. I guess if a coyote caught one in an open field. I’m just surprised because cats have suck quick reflexes and leaping and climbing abilities. But they are small and probably slow runners compared to a coyote

Now what about a bobcat and coyote? My money’s on the bobcat

republicans when a company wants to dump toxic waste in a national park: nature is a gift from god and its supply is bounded only by god’s desire for us to make use of it and prosper.

republicans when a mexican guy eats a wild duck: our precious natural resources must be preserved. we only have one earth. we have to come together and protect our local environment.


It sounds like you would be surprised by how awesome coyotes are at the above. They are not like dogs. They can leap/scale tall fences with ease (Google coyote rollers). They are incredibly quick. Also they work together in groups and are legit tactical when hunting.

They are also super risk-averse, so they generally wouldn’t even attempt anything with a bobcat. If a coyote gets hurt they can get rejected by the pack, and then they’re screwed.

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Same. Lots of coyotes around. New missing cat almost weekly within a 2 mile radius. Might be even more than that if I were actually looking for them.

coyotes are near a top 10 fastest land animal in the world and can turn on a dime unlike greyhounds and whippets. The fastest coyotes are only slightly slower than racing greyhounds.

I let them get a head start in the creek and then have my dog chase them away so that they clear the area and hopefully don’t return(and don’t kill small dogs) and my dog is smart about the ones that don’t run away and he just stops and bluff charges them until they turn and leave. They usually jog quickly until they realize he’s coming in fast at them and then they turn it on to get out of there in a flash.


They are wily.


I dunno guys. If this Haitian dish was actually cat:

Then sign me the fuck up for eating cats.


Don’t they know who it is? I thought I saw something on twitter.

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Put hot sauce on 'em, that makes it worth it.

First time I read this it sounded like you’re losing a cat, weekly, and not even looking for it after.

Don’t they hunt in packs? They would just trap the cat.

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Your chihuahua is bad ass!

rarely, often solo or with their partner. Sometimes they will bring their older cubs with them before they leave the nest.

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You’re right. Just looked it up and I’m shocked, shocked I tell you that it’s not an immigrant

I searched videos on coyotes doing cool stuff and found very little. I’ll have to take your guys’ word on their speed, ruthlessness, and leaping abilities. I learned that they’re mostly active at dawn and dusk so maybe it’s hard to film them. I did however, find a really cool clip of a bobcat messing with, and killing a deadly rattlesnake just for funsies

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Normally I would agree, but NC’s R candidate for governor is cartoonishly bad, so I might be more inclined to believe that that’s having an effect on the presidential race there that isn’t being felt in GA.

My friend in NC said a lot of people he knows are ticket splitting Trump/Stein because MUH TAXES!

I’ve seen a group running through Papago Park in broad daylight. But otoh they’d wait for late night to go after mom’s chickens.

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