2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

Insane gunmen are a beloved American tradition that we have to deal with, Alf-like immigrants must be dealt with.


I am going to start eating cats. My neighborhood is overrun with stray cats.

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Seems like a ton of work for not much meat.

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Also we don’t generally eat carnivores, at least carnivores on land.


There’s a Canadian show called Museum Secrets that I like to watch on Prime Video. Last night I was watching an episode about the Hermitage, and there was a segment on the siege of Leningrad where they talked about how all the staff moved into the basement and the museum’s famous cats started disappearing.

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I learned today that the alt right is trying to co-opt the N word to mean Nazi as in “the left is calling everyone on the right he N word”.

I live near a creek and there are tons of coyotes, unsure why anyone would get an outdoor cat in this area. I see a new missing cat sign every three weeks.

Odds are the Kentucky sniper is an American citizen and probably maga no less. If it turns out to be an immigrant, you can bet that’s all they’ll be talking about

That’s slightly more clever than average. The conservatives have been trying 'calling me a racist is like using the N word" but that’s too many cognative steps for it to take hold.



haha that’s awesome

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Big uptick in signs in my main line Philly area (median income well over 6 figures). All the new ones are for



I would think a cat would be agile, stealthy, and alert enough not to get eaten by a coyote

Coyotes are extremely smart, fast, organized, and ruthless. Domestic cats are sitting ducks to them.

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all this talk of illegal aliens eating household pets reminds me of that sad series finale of Alf where Alf is captured by the united states government and imprisoned for life for the crime of existing


if somebody wants to capture a duck and kill it and gut it and pluck its feathers and eat it, that’s natural. and that’s not my pet. just because i live in the same neighborhood as a duck doesn’t mean i care if it lives or dies. if somebody kills a duck and leaves it there dead i’d be bothered, but if he’s cleaning it up that’s fine. the other ducks will have more eggs and make more ducks, we’re not gonna run out of ducks, believe me


How about those Lakers? … Heh … No sports fans in the bunch, huh?

Truly dark shit from a family sitcom.


btw i’d be thrilled if some group of people came in and killed all the geese. a goose will only bother me, i’m never gonna get anything positive out of a goose in my area. i have no use for a goose. you might as well be saying they’re eating rats. good!


Cats are incredible predators and terribly unalert prey.