2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

Nah, they realize that the democrats are no where near consolidating the power required to enact a significant tax increase on them, even if Kamala wins. If a Kamala win actually had a realistic chance of resulting in a tax hike, they would donate 10 times the amount of that tax hike to a Trump PAC just out of pure dumbass spite.


This is true for most of the list, but I’ll point out that Costco pays a minimum wage north of $17, and the founder has been a longtime backer of the Dems.

I know nothing about this. Is it really that much harder for Dems to raise taxes than it is for Republicans to lower them? And if so, why?

Is it because too many corporate Dems really don’t want to raise them either?

The Republicans had no trouble passing the Bush tax cuts because a majority of Democrats voted for them.

No Dems voted for the Trump tax cuts. Rs had majorities in both houses.

Bill Clinton increased taxes in 1993 and no Rs voted for it. Ds had both houses.

So Dems need both chambers, which they’re not drawing dead to. If that’s the case, it seems dangerous for these corporations to endorse Harris, no?

Worst case they just need to buy off 1 Senator or a handful of Congresspeople. Pretty trivial for them to do given that it already happens all the time.

They must have given him the wrong heart.


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Kamala’s favorability still going up. Pretty much break-even at 538 rn. Trump fairly flat at like -10% since the start of the year.

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some data on new PA new voter registrations, there’s more info in more of his recent posts



This is why polling will be wonky for this election. These registration numbers are unprecedented, and traditional polling just will not be able to capture these folks well.

Makes me wonder if “registered voter” polls are, for once, going to be more accurate than “likely voter” polls, because these folks would never make it past LV screening.

Also, this is super smart:


This seems a good idea. And where a competence and finance gap between the two parties could make the difference in a tight election.


It’s a fantastic idea, especially when you have basically infinite money.

Losing by 25 points instead of 30 in the bumfuck counties in PA, even if that is a difference of only 100-200 votes per county, could actually make the difference statewide.


Dems mostly do what their donors (ie corporations) want
Republicans always do what their donors (ie corporations) want.

hahaha the couch is wearing a condom :rofl::rofl:



While I definitely think these are things to consider, I think that comparing a single all important week in 2024 to the same but relatively inconsequential week in 2020 could be a misleading data point to say the least, especially given the absurd registration disparities we have seen over the past couple years. Would love for you to be right



Well at least he’s being safe.

Your pony is quicker than mine. I was going to mention that since Kamala entered the race, new voter registration numbers are thru the roof and newly registered voters VOTE! This is why I think she’s doing even better than polling suggests. Of course that said, we can’t let up. Pedal to the metal until election day!

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