2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

That reminds me of the single worst sports pandering incident I’ve ever seen in politics, which occurred in this tweet:




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The duck

Siena poll is shitty. Looks like the state polls for the blue wall remain razor thin.


I don’t know, man. She’s drawing very live and might even be a slight favorite to ultimately win, but that’s as sunny as the outlook gets right now.


And this is after a streak of nearly 100% good decision making by the dems, and constant dick-tripping by the GOP. I have a hard time picturing how things go much better and can think of many ways they could go worse.


Yeah and I don’t think things are gonna move all that much or all that fast over the next couple months, maybe if the debate is a huge disaster for Trump that even penetrates the low-info crowd, but I doubt it’ll be that bad.

Honestly the hopium is gonna have to come from the idea that most or all the hidden polling errors are gonna break our way this time around (polling just not finding the tons of newly-registered democratic voters that seem to be flooding in, etc.).

Thankfully I don’t think this is implausible. Though I also can’t convince myself that it’s likely.

I will say that if I tried to put myself in the mindset of someone hoping Trump will win, I also wouldn’t feel great. So there’s that.

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Seems like it should make voters in both fanbases hate her more.

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Yes. That’s, like, an insult to intelligence so naked that even most idiots would recognize it as that. IIRC, she saw how well it landed and resorted to “I was obviously just kidding” afterward.

none of them had any idea who the hell she is

She had that brief moment where Trump called her ugly and then a GOP debate crowd roared for her when she responded to it, I think she had a surge in the polls to become a contender for a minute. The minute passed. And then after Ted Cruz had already lost, he named her as a running mate, complete with Cruz/Fiorina campaign signs. That was an odd six months with her.


That’s communism.

i’m trying to imagine 100 years from now how a history book describes the political strategy of a disgraced ex president, a convicted felon with 50 more felony charges awaiting multiple criminal trials, spending hundreds of millions of dollars on ads painting his opponent as a champion of individual liberties and progress, and then another paragraph trying to explain why half the country was buying into the idea that liberty and progress are bad things


Can still remember when the first President Bush accused Dukakis of being a “card-carrying member of the American Civil Liberties Union!”

And it resonated with his base.


can’t wear a tshirt in the pool man. if you do, you shouldn’t. feels like something mike pence would do if he wasn’t swimming with his wife.


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I wear a tshirt in the pool.

Two reasons.

  1. I could get sunburnt in the evening in winter.
  2. I’m a weirdo who shouldn’t be elected anything.

Damn what, the man is 40-something, let him wear a shirt in the pool. Maybe he’s uncomfortable with his dad-bod or whatnot.

Is it a literal t-shirt or like one of those rashguard shirts designed for that purpose.

I assume that in an indoor pool you go shirtless?

It’s way, way worse to be ashamed of a little pudge than to just have it and roll with it.