2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)



There has got to be some strategy behind this. No way itā€™s just a ā€œthis is my good sideā€ thing. Only things I can think of off the top of my head are 1) gives Trump an opportunity to look like a complete dolt to end the debate, or 2) thereā€™s some weird research that shows viewers unconsciously prefer the person on that side.

EDIT: or 3) Biden can just go through his pre-prepared closing statement without being tempted to respond to some like Trump says in his? I donā€™t know.

It just further highlights the absurdity of the debates in the first place. We are selecting the next leader of the most powerful country in the world and it could all hinge on something as stupid as which side of a stage he stands on?

The most obvious reason would be the primacy effect. It could also be that Trump or Biden has worse hearing in one ear and the position on stage provides an advantage. Or going first allows them to trigger a response from Trump that gets him off his planned closing statement.

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Non-Zero chance one of these guides has a stroke during the event. Going first just increases your odds of getting your message out.

Or it really doesnā€™t matter, but they have to pick somehow so they coinflip and then media exaggerates the importance.

I mean youā€™d have to assume that having Trumpā€™s immature psycho babble be the last thing the audience hears would be a good thing for Biden. Problem is, half the country are morons

Most people will have tuned out of the debates long before the closing statements anyway.

Who typically watches these things to the end? Serious question.
MAGA cultists who ainā€™t changing their vote ever; semi-normies who havenā€™t decided, clinging to their belief that GOP=lowertaxes=betterlife. Political nerds.
Some other people?
I think your right, his ending drivel should be a plus for Biden. Trump prolly gonna get heavily prepped to stick to a script tho.

no needle yet tho


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An undecided voter weighs in on the debate

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I am not great at like interpersonal shit but this wouldā€¦not shock me!



Part of me almost wonders if heā€™s literally trying to lose now that the NY trial is over and itā€™s looking more and more like nothing is gonna happen with any of the other three cases.

Trump is at risk of upsetting his Nazi base with jokes like that.


Is this going to be the debate thread?


The idea a presidential debate can be copywritten is so fucking stupid to be perfectly 2024.

Presumably CNN pays the DNC and RNC something? Whole thing should be publicly funded and organized, just like everything else should be in our elections. Oh well.

