2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

As far as I can tell, they’re really only going after unauthorized people streaming the debate as it’s happening. They’re letting any US network with a news division simulcast. I doubt they’re going to try to stop people from making clips of a length that falls under fair use after the debate.

I don’t give a shit if Tim Pool gets his fees-fees hurt over this. You should be skeptical of anything he says, especially if Elon agrees.

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Maybe they should set up an independent commission on presidential debates?

I accept whatever method shuts RFK Jr. out of the debates.

This dude needs to save some pussy for the rest of us

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Don’t see why CNN shouldn’t be entitled to its debate content just like any other program it airs.

Same reason they have to give up airtime when asked for national announcements. They were given the airways for free on the condition that they served the public good at times too.


This, for companies using the airwaves anyway. They are publicly owned.

Not free though, but there are conditions they are subject to in their licenses.

But, CNN is cable.

Who’s paying for it? Unless CNN is getting a public subsidy to pay for the people who operate cameras, prep the debate stage, etc., it’s not unreasonable for them to own the copyright. Should all their coverage just be free?

Factors for determining fair use

The first of these is the purpose and character of the alleged infringing use. Educational, scholarly, critical criticism, commentary and other artistic or transformative uses will weigh in favor of fair use, while commercial or more verbatim copying will tip the balance in the other direction.

The second factor is the amount and substantiality of the portion taken from the original. This is where the idea that taking only a small snippet is okay, but in reality it’s actually possible to take the very heart of a piece without copying very much of it at all.

The third factor is the nature of the original work. If it’s an artistic work it’s going to be treated very differently than if the original was something very commercial like a billboard ad or a TV commercial jingle.

The fourth element or factor is the potential impact on the market for the original if the infringement were allowed to continue.

Unsurprisingly it’s more complicated than “it’s obviously all free to use for any reason” or “you can never use it because it’s subject to copyright”.


For this? Yes.

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CNN wanting to maintain copyright of this is just them admitting that their political news coverage is actually entertainment intended for advertisements and clicks. There’s no public service here in their eyes, it’s all about the $$


They are allowing people to simulcast it, ABC already said they would.

Does ABC have to pay for that? I assume yes, otherwise why are they threatening people with DMCA takedowns?

Or this is just a made up grievance by right wing grifters and CNN doesn’t actually give a shit and my take above was totally wrong.

I consider myself something of an expert on copyright law, and I believe you can make a credible fair use claim with the debate footage so long as you make a “transformative” use. I’m going to use AI to make it look like they have a bunch of extra fingers coming out of their throat.

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lol, weren’t people literally just yesterday telling me the debates are a pointless spectacle with no real news value, now we’re mad at CNN for not giving this vital content away for free?


They’re making it available for free as a public service. Their conditions are that the CNN logo bug has to be there and other networks can’t add extra content such as split screen commentary, even during commercial breaks.

There seems to be some sort of gatekeeping going on, where they are limiting it to legitimate channels with real news divisions. The right wingers are upset they can’t re-package it and provide their own spin in real time.

Meant to respond to @hokie

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i have a copyright law book on a bookshelf somewhere. i took the class for an easy A. pretty sure the spine is still firmly intact.

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They’re related. They are a pointless spectacle because politics has turned into sportsball, and CNN is partially responsible for that, so fuck them. But while turning politics into sportsball, CNN continues to pretend like they’re doing a service to democracy by putting this together, so fuck them for gatekeeping (though I was wrong in my assumption of the extent of that earlier, it appears they’re giving it away for free per NBZ’s link).

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Given the rise of deepfakes and AI theft, it doesn’t seem unreasonable for CNN to keep One America News and etc. from sitting down at the grownup table.