2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

I think Biden will do okay. Trump won’t. But like always, no one will care. In general, I think we’ll be the ones wondering how, in a world that has seen incredible advances in technology, are we stuck with these two fossils as our Presidential choices? Again.

No notes thing seems standard (and reasonable) but such that it’s advantageous to one side it will almost always be the Republican.

Conservative talking points are always going to be simpler to have memorized and be recalled in a pressure situation than policy nuances.

Screenshot 2024-06-18 at 12.44.02 PM


I am purple shirt guy :(

Are we allowed to be both :neutral_face:

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I’ve harped on this before, but Trumpism, more than anything, is just the political empowerment of dumb people. It is the dream of Thomas Jefferson finally made manifest due to improvements in technology, communications, and productivity.


Debates don’t matter

They used to when you didn’t have 24/7 access to candidates.

There’s a lot of truth to this, debates have long ago mostly become a vehicle for candidates to get a zinger that goes viral on Twitter. I still think there’s value in forcing candidates to try acting like adults for two hours, but that’s probably marginal.

Even from the beginning they weren’t that important. People mostly remember gaffes, not great policy proposals.

What do people remember from Kennedy/Nixon debates? They remember Nixon sweating.

Ford/Carter? Ford denying Soviet influence in Eastern Europe.

Bush/Dukakis? They remember the death penalty question directed at Dukakis.

Bush/Clinton/Perot? It was Bush looking at his watch.

Once the League of Women Voters got pushed out from sponsorship and it turned into a glorified ad for each candidate, they became completely irrelevant.


Good memory, especially on the watch


Thought the convictions were going to make Trump unbeatable?

I’m at four countries now where I’ve encountered Americans or Brits who’ve insisted it was Trump who ended the war in Afghanistan.

“I ended the massively unpopular war the Republicans got us into” is the kind of message an actually competent political party would run on instead of reminding us how unpleasant the Orange Fellow is.

Joey Big Balls Biden

So naive, “Orange Man bad” is good.

bidens popularity immediately dropped after the afghanistan withdrawal

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Oh man, we are so cooked.

Zoom out: Many Democrats think the president and his closest aides learned the wrong lessons from Democratic wins in 2020 and 2022, and it’s causing them to misread 2024.

Biden’s core team, including Donilon, believes Biden won in 2020 because his “soul of the nation” message resonated and he presented a clear “moral contrast” to Trump.

In 2020, Donilon wanted to focus on Trump’s character over the economy, even though “our own pollsters told us that talking about ‘the soul of the nation’ was nutty,” he told the New Yorker.



I feel like Biden’s team is more trustworthy than this guy:

Longtime Democratic strategist Howard Wolfson, who worked for former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg in the 2020 primary against Biden, told Axios: “If the election were today, we would lose. Can that change? Yes. Is it on the path to do so? I don’t see that yet.”

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