2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

This conversation always absolves the people with actual power and directs criticism towards those with none. It’s completely backwards. The democrats have made the choice to back genocide knowing that it might lose them some votes. That’s pretty horrendous tbh, and if it backfires and they lose the election because they alienated people who would have otherwise voted for them, that’s on the Dems.


But refusing to vote isn’t saying fuck you to the system. The person is still living in USA enjoying the benefits of being at the heart of the American empire while just waving away any responsibility on any other issue. They get to be part of the system when it benefits them.

If your main issue, your purity test, is Palestine then you should be figuring out how to put in real effort to opposing Likud and far right parties in Israel. Because thinking eDems are going to learn a lesson that they should have supported Palestine harder is just LOL. Withholding a vote from Democrats in USA will never have any negative impact on Netanyahu. It’s one of the laziest forms of performative morality I could think of


Hate to break it to ya bud but voting against Donald Trump is also performative morality

And again, “if you don’t like it move to Russia” is not a strong argument

you should absolutely withhold your vote, vote your candidate(provided you even have one) or spite vote in a PRIMARY. you should not be doing that in a general election where the consequences of losing mostly fall on people less fortunate than you.


Lots of posts ITT completely missing the point.

The dont vote for genocide people get it’s a trolley problem. They just think there are things which are too wrong to do no matter what.

Repeating “but it’s a trolley problem” over and over is dumb.

The thing is, not playing isn’t a choice in this trolley problem. Not voting is going to make the situation worse. The only chance to make the situation better is voting Harris, even if it is a slim chance, it is better than the other alternatives. There isn’t some moral high ground here, it all sucks.


My unscientific conclusion is that a substantial percentage are in fact withholding their votes for strategic reasons. In their fantasy, when the Democrats lose the election then they will conclude that they need to “come to the table” and discuss what it would take to get their votes.

Several posters on this board have unironically made this case on other issues to explain why they are considering not voting.


Repeating “it’s a trolley problem” isn’t that dumb if it really is a trolley problem and that is the essential moral point.

I guess it’s dumb responding at all, in the sense that I’m not going to persuade Hokie, but it’s not near as dumb as him posting the opposite position.

It’s a trolley problem with a nonexistent lever

Your vote does not affect who is elected


I’m not signing onto either side in this argument, but this is a terrible point. The anti-abortion activists won bigly. They got what they wanted despite it being unpopular through consistent dedication to their single-issue. And the normal criticism of the anti-abortion activists isn’t “don’t make the genocide of unborn children your single issue”, it’s that it’s not genocide.


Many posters unironically think the Democratic Party delivers for the center-right because they unreliable D-voters.

I think the Dems decided deregulation was good because of Reagan. Bill Clinton, the next D, did a ton of it, notably for Wall Street and banks.


The Chinese have a much more nuanced view of American elections than I would have guessed. Subtle.



How did I just watch the whole thing?


That seems, on its face delusional. Like we all know that won’t happen in that way. We will either continue with incremental/little change or some catastrophe that will be worse in 500 ways.

The people you allude to are trying to thread a camel through the eye of a needle.

People can do what they want but withholding your vote in order to have them beg you back in is not how it will play out. For dems withholding votes for a single issue do you vote Republican if they welcome you on that one issue? I assume the answer must be yes or you are not a single issue voter.

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I like the lyrics and it’s something you can dance to.

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Maybe it’s all an act or whatever but he’s good at it.




It’s over. Collard greens and pork chops don’t cut it.


I can’t help but think indicating Trump’s percentage with a light pink bar in these graphs will trigger the shit out of him and MAGAs, even more than the fact that he’s losing.