2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

The whole “vote in as many Dems as possible and then push the party left through pressure and primaries” has been going on my whole life. It feels like we are losing because Dems are gaining almost no ground while the right pushes further to the extreme, but here we are.

I don’t really agree with the burn it down strategies or casting protest votes against the Dems, but Ive lost all motivation to argue against those philosophies.


I’m having some huge arguments with fellow leftists who say they can’t in good conscience vote for Harris (they won’t vote for Trump either). My contention is one thing at a time. Let’s win the presidency and then pressure the fuck out of them to stop sending weapons to Israel. Ditto for other leftist issues

I’m not sure this is true. Same sex marriage, Paris Accord, Obama care, capping drug prices for seniors, we elected a black president, a black female VP, and I’m sure there’s much more. The progress has been slow and incremental, but it’s being made. Trump is the result of a small chunk (albeit larger than most anticipated) of racist voters who were butt hurt by the audacity that the country was moving left and elected a black president imo


Me: Ok Google, stream KUER.

Smart Speaker: …Trump’s position on abortion appears to be evolving…

Me: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


The competition is fierce but Elon might just want it more.

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They’re either stupid and/or racist. Don’t waste time or energy on them.




I can’t agree with this. Wanting nothing to do with supporting a genocide is a legit philosophical position imo

Not only does the Palestinian genocide get worse under trump, the Ukrainian genocide that would result would make Palestine look like a pillow fight.

edit-Its only a philosophical position if you are too fucking stupid to understand the actual consequences.

That’s just not true. I happen to agree with you, but there are people who simply won’t take part in a genocide. Full stop. There’s nothing wrong with that

You’re confusing philosophy or ideology with strategy. No one is saying it’s a good strategy. Not even them

not confusing anything with strategy. not voting for a perfect candidate isn’t philosophy.

There is a giant difference between supporting a candidate, putting your name behind them and voting for that candidate.


Any “single-issue voter” is either an idiot or is privileged/racist enough to not care about how a shitty government can make like unpleasant for many people.

Do any of these “Leftists” have children, or even pets? Part of being an adult responsible for another living thing is learning how to make forced choices when we don’t like the options.


I think cactus has a point. We aren’t all strict utilitarians, as any basic thought experiment shows.

Do X or else I will do X times 10.

Find the X you won’t do.

For some voters it’s supporting genocide, for you it might be something else. But there’s something.

This is YOUR opinion. You’re welcome to it, but you don’t get to dictate how other people should feel

I don’t know why it’s so hard to understand. Have you never heard of the train and two tracks dilemma?

I view these people as the Left’s mirror image of the anti-abortion movement, since both are claiming to be fighting genocide.

Cactus, you are a positively unique individual.


It’s good that there are people that draw a line at voting for a candidate that supports horrible things. That’s much better than having everyone line up to Vote Blue No Matter Who


Most people call it the trolley problem.

Most people take one side or the other. I tend to take the view that either position is defensible and I would accept either from someone who has given the matter sufficient thought.


I believe in voting for the best major party candidate in the general election. It just happens to always be a Democrat.