2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)




Are you a broke college student? Then yes.

For anyone else, absolutely not.




I ate there once in NC. Not impressed.


Yes, it’s good.

It’s fast food that’s grilled out and wrapped in aluminum foil.

I like the bacon cheddar hot dogs. The burgers are better than Burger King, McDonald’s, or Sonic. On par with Shake Shack or Burger Fi.

The Cajun fries are at least as good as Five Guys’ Cajun fries.

Then there’s over 30 kinds of shakes, which are really more like ice cream treats. My favorites are the peanut butter fudge Oreo, or the strawberry or blueberry cheesecake.

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I went there for once and the shake was basically frozen solid. No thanks

I rarely allow myself a milkshake, but when I do it’s a Jack in the Box Oreo shake.

Many of us were never fooled by the notion that Harris is some kind of all out leftist. She answered that question as well as possible imo. She’s walking a tightrope needing to draw in Independents and any center right who dislike Trump while not alienating libs

She has already alienated leftists on Gaza imo, but is doing as good a job possible in building her coalition to win the presidency

The vibe is still there for most of us (and I consider myself a leftist)


Attempting to laugh would just make him look weirder. Laughing is for humans. Not couch fucking aliens


Fracking is a big deal in Pennsyltucky. It won’t practically happen (federal legislation either way) so whatever she needs to say to win.

Yeah there is no way to win PA without supporting fracking. Doesn’t matter who your VP is.

I know you’re joking, but this was always going to happen. She couldn’t be schrodinger’s candidate forever, and it was obvious which way she would go when she needed to take a position

It’s already happening

Fracking was until recently more opposed than supported in PA. Centrist Republicans (which barely exist) aren’t anymore anti immigrant than Democrats. That’s just trumpers. And independents aren’t generally border hawks either. Kamala is just regressing to her own personal mean.

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I didn’t read him as joking

By many do you mean all?

Just one more GOP Lite candidate until we finally break through in purple states and districts. I swear. The next one will work. Just one more, please. I’m begging you. I need it. Look at me, I’m sick

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It’s not just about % for vs. % oppose though. A lot of the pro-fracking voters are people who will be single issue voters because either their jobs or revenue streams from their property mineral rights are dependent on the industry.

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